Tory,Labour,Liberal or Plaid they are all a bunch of robbing, thieving, lying scum !
Source http://bnp.org.uk/2009/12/the-thieves-who-would-be-government-tory-shadow-cabinet-to-replay-250000-in-swindled-expenses/
The criminal gang of Tories masquerading as the Shadow Cabinet has now been ordered to collectively repay £250,000 in fraudulent “expenses” claimed out of the pockets of the long-suffering British taxpayer.
The latest estimate of the total amount of money swindled by the Tory leadership in the ongoing parliamentary expenses scandal was revealed after Shadow defence secretary Liam Fox was forced to pay back £7,984 in mortgage interest, repairs and council tax. His total repayment to the taxpayer now stands at £12,279.20.
Other Tories are to repay a further £24,800 in what has been described as “overpaid expenses claims,” (in plain English, money fraudulently claimed from the taxpayer) bringing the total repayments by the Shadow Cabinet to more than £70,000.
No less than 13 members of David Cameron’s shadow cabinet have paid back fraudulent expenses identified as “excessive” by Sir Thomas Legg’s audit of MPs’ allowances.
In total, that disgraceful party’s MPs have now paid back more than £250,000 in claims since the expenses scandal first became public.
Patrick McLoughlin, Tory Chief Whip, was asked to repay £4,058.54 covering cleaning bills and mortgage interest.
Caroline Spelman, the shadow Communities Secretary, was asked for an additional £2,167.51 for cleaning, utilities and telephone bills. She has now returned £2,635.
Andrew Mitchell, the shadow International Development Secretary, faced a demand for £2,673.33 he claimed towards council tax and mortgage interest.
The shadow Business Secretary, Kenneth Clarke, is returning £1,345 for cleaning bills after successfully disputing a demand to pay back £4,733 for gardening and cleaning.
Cheryl Gillan, the shadow Welsh Secretary, is paying back £1,884.23 in mortgage interest claims.
William Hague, the shadow Foreign Secretary, is returning £601.14 in mortgage interest.
Owen Patterson, the shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, is giving back £281.19 covering mortgage interest, council tax and repairs/maintenance. His total repayment as a result of the Legg investigation stands at £5,229.15.
Andrew Lansley, the shadow Health Secretary, is returning £877.56 for furniture, repairs and mortgage, taking his total repayment to
Meanwhile it has been reported that police investigating the abuse of parliamentary expenses have uncovered four cases that are so serious that they have been referred to prosecutors with the aim of criminal court cases.
The identities of the four parliamentarians, who come from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, have not yet been revealed.
The Metropolitan Police said “a small number” of further cases were still being investigated.
There have been no arrests during the investigation, although some people have been interviewed under caution.
Kick out the " Pigs in Troughs " at the General Election by voting BNP !
If I went out and stole a lump of meat I would be in Court probably doing Community Service, fined or jailed.
I can picture Peter Hain, Hywel Francis, Adam Price and their trough gusling colleagues wearing orange jackets and cleaning graveyards and sweeping the streets.
Lets go and robb a bank and see if we can have the same immunity as our MPs.
Regards, Meirion
just a side note.. have you seen the state of port talbot? is there some reason as to why the town looks like giant scab? drive into town from margam through tai - bach and you will see what I mean.
What a grubby depressing place port talbot is.
No money invested for years and its downright shocking.
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