Saturday, 21 April 2012

To you your children are precious. To Social Services they are just a commodity. This could easily happen your children. Start to fight back.

Below is an actual contract of visitation between Neath Port Talbot County Council and a mother who has had her children taken by the SS as a result of  false allegations and evidence leveled against her.

All names have been removed.

It is interesting that the false allegations and evidence were presented by a Paediatrician.

Just as interesting is that the corrupt Solicitor Lyn Naylor is deeply involved in this case. ( The file on her gets bigger by the day.)

Contact Proposal and
Contact Agreement
Neath Port Talbot County Council

This agreement is intended to clearly specify the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in contact and to clearly emphasise what is expected from each individual and the Local Authority in turn. This agreement is in respect of supervised periods of contact that Ms XXXXX may have with her children; XXXXX and XXXXX. This document serves to clearly set out the proposals of the Local Authority in respect of contact and to clarify roles and expectations.

Expectations of the Local Authority prior to the Contact Period:

1. On the XXX XXXXX 2012 at Xpm the allocated Case Manager; Mrs xxxxx will meet with XXXXX at the Neath Civic Centre in order to discuss this Contact Contract and to gain agreement to the contents proposed within. Should XXXXX not agree with the proposed contract or indeed be deemed unable to place her children’s needs before those of her own in terms of the request for appropriate conduct throughout the three hour period then the contact will not go ahead as planned.

2. On the XXXXX 2012, following agreement of the Contact Contract presented to XXXXX on the XXXXX 2012, the allocated Case Manager; Mrs xxxxx will meet with the children to explore their thoughts, feelings and wishes in respect of the imminent contact and to ensure that they are positive about the contact period. Should the outcome of this meeting be that the children are not in agreement and not positive about the contact then such views will be shared with XXXXX and the proposed contact will be terminated. Should one child be positive then the contact will go ahead as planned for the select child in question; the basis of such decision making is that the views, wishes and feelings of the children are paramount at all times.

Expectations of the Local Authority in respect of Contact Periods:

1. To arrange contact sessions and to ensure that XXXXX remains in receipt of the contact times, venue, and person/sto be present.

2. To supervise all contact sessions. The Local Authority will do its utmost to ensure continuity in terms of the contact worker/s who will be in attendance, however automatic confirmation of this cannot be provided due to staffing levels. Any proposed contact worker will be provided with a copy of this contract to digest prior to contact sessions in order to fully understand what is expected of them as a Local Authority contact supervisor.

3. The Local Authority will expect XXXXX to make contact with the contact centre; for which the number has been provided, by 09:30am on the day in question; XXXXX 2012 and any further contact dates to confirm her attendance. The Local Authority are clear in their position that XXXXX is requested to do this in order to ensure that appropriate transport arrangements for the children can be in place in advance.

4. The Local Authority will transport the children to and from contact. The Local Authority will ensure appropriate safeguarding measures are in place at all times, particularly around arrival and departure from the contact centre and the local vicinity.

5.The Contact Centre Staff are in agreement that XXXXX is to arrive five minutes early prior to the children arriving. Contact Centre Staff are also in agreement that XXXXX is to allow the children to leave the contact centre first and to wait in the building for up to ten minutes to allow sufficient time for them to leave the area.

6. The contact period will be supervised by an experienced and suitably trained contact supervisor at all times who will make accurate and detailed case recordings.

7. As noted in the above point, the Contact Supervisor will document all interaction, verbalised statements made by XXXXX and any information that they deem concerning will be discussed on the close of contact with the allocated Social Worker; Mrs XXXXX.

8. The allocated Case Manager; Mrs XXXXX will be present in the contact centre for the entirety of contact and may be consulted with should any concerns / issues arise throughout the three hour duration.

9. The Contact Supervisor will intervene immediately if safeguarding of the children is deemed necessary. Advice will also be provided to XXXXX throughout the course of contact and in a manner that does not significantly impact upon the contact.

10. The Contact Supervisor and the allocated Case Manager will both be present prior to the children arriving at the contact centre. A contact supervisor will ensure that XXXXX and XXXXX are met at their transport vehicle and brought into the contact centre immediately. The transport service has been informed of the essentiality in ensuring the children are taken immediately from the vicinity following the closure of contact.

11.  The Local Authority stipulate that in any event whereby there are any breaches of this contract that cause it to be terminated early, the agreed wording to be used by either of the supervisor’s is as follows: “I think that we need to pack away now””. XXXXX will then express an agreement with this action and end the session appropriately e.g. hugs and kisses and maintaining a positive atmosphere. In the event that the children question this, they are to be told: We need to leave now because other children have to use the room to see their mummies and daddies also”. No disputes or disagreements are to be discussed or raised whilst the children are present under any circumstances as their welfare and well being will remain paramount at all times.

12.  Should any questions be raised by XXXXX, the Supervising Contact Worker will inform her that all her queries are to be explored with the allocated Social Worker post contact.

13. The Local Authority will offer support to XXXXX in responding to any difficult questions that arise from the children. The supervising contact worker is to maintain an agreed response to questions such as the possible returning home of the children or plans about their long term care. Such agreed responses are that “let’s just enjoy spending time with each other today and“the wise lady will make her decision after speaking to everybody. The allocated Social Worker will continue to speak to the children via direct work and visits to their foster placement to ascertain their views and answer any queries they may haveoutside of contact periods.

14.  The allocated Social Worker will ensure the children’s Guardian; XXXXX and legal representatives are also provided with a copy of this contract of expectations in place for XXXXX and XXXXX. The allocated Social Worker will remain in close liaison with the children’s Guardian; XXXXX to maintain partnership working in the children’s best interests.

Expectations of XXXXX

XXXXX agrees to the following:

1. Tcontact Pendarvis Contact Centre by 09:30 on the 12th April 2012 to declare her attendance for the afternoon contact period of 1pm until 4pm. This is to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for transport arrangements.

2. XXXXX is to arrive at the Contact Centre alone and will not be accompanied by XXXXX or any other adult that the Local Authority has not formally assessed. The Local Authority are clear that it is XXXXX responsibility to ensure that she parks her car in a suitable place and will not have any adult/s present in the immediate vicinity of the contact centre prior to, during or after contact periods.XXXXX is reminded that contact exists between herself and her children only. NO OTHER PERSON is to call to the children, accost either of them or their accompanying adult/s or shout out to the children prior to and post contact.

3.    XXXXX  is to enter the contact centre five minutes prior to the beginning of the contact. This is to prevent the children from waiting and ensure that she is situated within the room to greet the children on their arrival at the contact centre.

4.   XXXXX therefore MUST be inside the contact centre prior to the children arriving.

5. XXXXX must wait inside the contact centre for a period of ten minutes after the contact has ceased. This is to ensure that the room is tidied appropriately and to allow the children to vacate the immediate vicinity of the centre.

6. XXXXX must ensure that she does not make any comments during contact that serves to undermine the foster carers or the children’s placements e.g. criticising the carers. (Any issues must be discussed with the social worker after contact has ended and in her absence with the Deputy Team Manager; Ms XXXXX or Team Manager; Mrs XXXXX. (Contact numbers for all parties are attached).

7.  XXXXX may address any issues raised within contact post –contact with the allocated Social Worker or Deputy Team Manager / Team Manager in her absence.

8.  XXXXX is not to make any derogatory or insulting comments in respect of the children, their father;XXXXX or any other adults within the contact session.

9.  XXXXX is not to question the children on issues to date in respect of living arrangements with XXXXX in acknowledgement of the criminal investigation that remains underway. XXXXX is therefore to use the contact session for its intended purpose; as a positive experience to interact with her children.

10.       No mobile phones are to be taken into or used during contact periods. All phones are to be left outside or switched off. No  calls are to be made or received.

11.   Photographs may be taken using a disposable camera in agreement that they are NOT, under ANY circumstances, to be uploaded onto the Internet or used to disclose the identity of the children to a wider audience in respect of ongoing court proceedings.

12. XXXXX may provide the children with healthy drinks and snacks during contact periods. The Local Authority fully appreciates the limited diet of XXXXX and therefore foods XXXXX enjoys; such as Tomato Soup that may be warmed and yoghurts are acceptable.

13. In the event that XXXXX would like to provide gifts to the children (including money), this must be discussed and agreed before hand with the allocated Social               Worker or in her absence the Deputy or Team Manager. XXXXX may provide interactive gifts and activities that she wishes to undertake with the children during the three hour period. Such activities may be taken home.

14.XXXXX is not to question the children about their placement location.XXXXX is not to question the children about their foster carers or request information that may compromise the placement and/ or reveal the placement address.

15.XXXXX is NOT to follow the transport vehicle that returns the children to their respective placements. XXXXX is NOT to instruct any other adult to undertake the same. XXXXX is not permitted to attend the foster carer’s address at ANYtime.

16. XXXXX is not to behave in a threatening manner towards Social  Services staff, either verbally or physically. Similarly, XXXXX is NOT to instruct any other adult to behave in this manner towards staff on her behalf. Any such instances will not be tolerated and will be reported immediately to the Police.

17.XXXXX is not to make any allegations regarding any Social Services staff in the presence of the children. Any such concerns must be reported to the allocated Social Worker in the first instance or the Deputy / Team Manager should she not be available.

18.In the event that contact is terminated early XXXXX is to agree and comply with the agreed script noted in point 11, page 3 of this agreement. This is to ensure no undue distress is caused to the children.

19. XXXXX is to conduct herself in an appropriate manner at all times during the contact. In this the Local Authority expects XXXXX to try and create a positive and calm atmosphere for the children and to refrain from severe emotional outbursts that may impact on the children’s well being.

20. XXXXX must honour the entirety of the contact duration. Therefore XXXXX is in agreement that she will not get up and leave the contact session abruptly and will not leave the building early as this will cause unnecessary emotional harm to the children.

21.XXXXX will not use abusive or swear language when talking to the children or when they mention or note any other members of their family that XXXXX holds reservations about.

22.If either child asks questions about living arrangements or anything remotely similar to this question, XXXXX is to provide the agreed response “the wise lady will make a decision once everyone has been spoken to”.

23. XXXXX is not to attend contact under the influence of any alcohol or non-prescribed medication.Allowances are naturally made for XXXXX’s medical conditions.

24. XXXXX is not to say or do anything that will have the effect of undermining the children’s foster placements. Examples of undermining behavior include:

1.            Telling the children that her home in xxxxx is somewhere they may be      coming to stay.

2.            Telling the children about XXXXX.

3.            Asking the children if they would like to see XXXXX.

4.            Telling the children that the foster carers have not dressed or washed them properly.

Consequences of Breaching this Contract of Expectations

The Local Authority will use information in respect of whether or not XXXXX has adhered to the terms of this contract of expectations to inform decisions in respect of whether there is any need to change the contact arrangements or, in exceptional cases, stop all or part of the contact arrangements taking place.

Contact will be stopped immediately if the children become distressed and/ or adults’ behaviour is unacceptable, particularly where child protection & health & safety issues arise.

The level of contact will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains in the children’s best interests.

Signed    ………………………
XXXXX (Parent)    


Signed  ……………………………………….
Mrs XXXXX (Case Manager)


XXXXX (Deputy Team Manager)


Contact Agreement Neath CBC and XXXXX 


Imagine this scenario it could be you.

Your children are taken based on a series of lies. You have done nothing wrong.

You are distraught at what has happened then you are confronted with such a contract heavily weighted against you.

One mistake, one wrong word and your children are taken out of the room.

You don't know where they are or where they will be taken.

You don't know when or if you will see them again.

You have no idea what lies and fabrications the Social Workers will put in their report against you.

How would you feel ?

Welcome to the world of " Child Kidnapping by the State and Social Services " in 2012 where no child is safe.       

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Children stolen by the state needlessly, causing utter misery in one of Britain's most disturbing scandals.By Christopher Booker

The Daily Mail recently reported that applications to take children into care in England have soared to an all-time record, for the first time topping 10,000 in just 12 months.

Since 2008 alone, the figure has much more than doubled, to some 225 cases a week — bringing the total number of children in care in the UK as a whole to at least 90,000.

The official reason given for this explosion in the number of children being removed from their families by social workers in only four years is that 2008 was the year when the nation was shocked by the events leading to the death of Baby P — later named as Peter Connelly.

He was just 17 months old when he died in North London at the hands of his mother Tracey and her violent partner, suffering more than 50 injuries.

The story goes that social workers have become much more eager to take children into care because they do not wish to see any repetition of the scandal surrounding their failure to save Baby Peter, even though they and other officials had visited his home 60 times.

But one hugely important ingredient is missing from the way this version of events is being put across by the authorities responsible for ‘child protection’.

Evidence is accumulating on all sides to show that far too many children are now being removed from their parents wholly unnecessarily, often for laughably inadequate, even absurd, reasons.

No one could object if the rise in the number of families being torn apart was simply due to the increased determination of our social workers to intervene in situations likely to lead to another Baby P tragedy.

But the fact is, happy children are today being snatched from loving parents for reasons they cannot begin to fathom, leaving all concerned in a state of utter misery. And this can constitute a tragedy in its own way scarcely less heart-rending than those where a child has been genuinely abused.

Having investigated scores of such cases over the past three years, I do not hesitate to describe this as one of the most disturbing scandals in Britain today.

The manner in which, every week, dozens of families are wantonly ripped apart has become truly horrifying. And the only reason this does not itself make headline news is that our so-called ‘child protection’ system has become so ruthlessly hidden from view by the wall of secrecy built round it by our family courts.

What is most shocking about our child-care system is the extent to which, behind that wall of secrecy, every part of it has gone off the rails.

The social workers have become far too prone to target not genuine problem families like those of Baby P or Victoria Climbie — the eight-year-old girl from the Ivory Coast who in 2000 was tortured and murdered by her guardians in London — but normal, respectable homes where children are being happily brought up by responsible parents.

The reasons given by the care industry for seizing these children these tell their own story.

Since 2008 the proportion of children removed because they are being physically or sexually abused has actually gone down.

Instead, the social workers cite vague reasons based on opinion rather than testable evidence — they use terms such as ‘emotional abuse’ the use of which has soared by 70 per cent.

In many cases the social workers don’t even need to produce evidence, only their personal view that a child might be ‘at risk of emotional harm’.

Once the social workers have made their decision, children and parents find themselves caught up in a shadowy system which seems rigged against them.

The social workers hire ‘experts’, such as psychologists, who earn thousands of pounds writing reports which appear to confirm the case planned for the courts. The reports can contain woolly allegations, such as that a mother might suffer from a ‘borderline personality disorder’. (Which of us could not have that charge levelled against them?)

Far too often the parents aren’t allowed to challenge the reports in court — even though the ‘experts’, rather than practising in clinics and seeing patients, may earn all their living from writing such reports, and endorsing what the social workers want them to say.

Judges are then presented with allegations made against the parents based on no more than the wildest hearsay. 

Such allegations elsewhere in our legal system would instantly be ruled inadmissible. But because of the secrecy of the family courts system, the parents are not permitted to even question these claims and the media is denied the opportunity to present them for scrutiny.

Meanwhile, countless children find themselves living with strangers in foster homes, where all the evidence shows — despite many shining exceptions — they may risk physical abuse or emotional harm far worse than anything their parents were accused of inflicting on them.

The only contact the accused parents and their unhappy children are allowed with each other is in brief, rigorously supervised ‘contact sessions’, staged in grim council ‘contact centers’.

Even these are likely to be brusquely terminated if any sign of affection is shown, or if a bewildered child dares to ask its parents for an explanation of why all this is happening.

I would not believe all this and much more could happen in England if I had not heard remarkably similar stories again and again from dozens of parents and children — even though the parents are routinely threatened with prison if they discuss their case with anyone from outside the system.

Just how ruthless and Kafkaesque this system has become behind this impenetrable wall of secrecy is almost impossible to convey to anyone unfamiliar with it.

It makes a complete mockery of a system that has been set up in the name of ‘protecting children’, to ensure their lives are somehow better and happier than they were before.

Nothing in yesterday’s Mail report was more shocking than the statistics showing what happens to children who have emerged from Britain’s care system.

Fifty per cent of all this country’s prostitutes are girls who have been in care, and 80 per cent of all Big Issue sellers.
Half of all those in young offenders’ institutions have been in care, and 26 per cent of adults in prison have the same background.

Meanwhile, half of all girls who leave care become single mothers within two years, not least because they want someone to love.

These devastating statistics go on and on — hard evidence of just how horribly our ‘care system’ is failing those who fall into its clutches. Many of the children, of course, have already had an appalling start in life, being born to drug-addicted, alcoholic, genuinely abusive or otherwise incapable parents.

It is hard to argue that social workers and the courts were wrong to remove these tragic youngsters.

But this makes it all the more incomprehensible that among such children in care today are ever more thousands who should never have been taken from homes where they were properly cared for.

This is the real price we are paying for that impersonal statistic we saw blazoned across the front page of yesterday’s Mail: that the number of children being seized from their parents has now soared for the first time to 10,000 a year.

Having heard too many of their accounts in chillingly repetitive detail, I must say that this scandal is the most shocking story I have reported in all my many decades as a journalist.

It is high time it was pulled from behind that wall of secrecy and reported across the world.

Source Here

Saturday, 14 April 2012


For a lengthy period of time the Lewis Family have been subjected to continual late night anonymous phone calls ( The caller has withheld their number ) where when answered the phone at the other end has been put down.

This has been as you can imagine very distressing to the family and has resulted in the phone being removed from it's socket on many occasions.

We have been waiting for the mistake to be made and now it has been.

We have the woman's number from where the calls were made and we know where she lives.

We have a confession from this woman duly witnessed with an independent affidavit which reveals the true identity of the "nuisance caller." 

The identity of the caller who has been cowardly using her "  drinking partners " phone is very well known to the Lewis family and is loathed by them all and by those of us that know of her part in aiding the kidnapping and abuse of N@t@s*@ purely for her own selfish financial gain.

She is not part of Social Services although she gleefully collaborated with them and is known to us as " Judas."

A totally wicked and evil creature.

Once again we know where she lives and we know where she works.

The wheels have been set in motion and are now turning.

A complete article naming this traitorous individual and her  part in the kidnapping and abuse of N@t@s*@ Lewis will be published in due course.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Child Kidnapper Julie Rzezniczek Resurfaces To Exact More Misery On Children And Families.

Thanks to Rzezniczek-watch for the Hat-Tip.

I have just been informed that the disgraced former Head of Neath Port Talbot Children's Services Social Services Julie Rzezniczek who recently left the authority by " Mutual Consent " has decided to continue to inflict her own form of child and family abuse by setting up her own  company.

The truth is and it is well known locally and nationally that she was sacked as she had become an embarrassment to the local authority and most importantly The Welsh Assembly Government who are desperately trying to keep the cover up over her actions in kidnapping Linda's daughter at gunpoint from her hospital bed in America with a false passport hidden.

Consultancy Services in Social Care Ltd of which Julie Rzezniczek appears to be the Director click here is based at

Cambrian Complex, Ystrad Road, Fforestfach, Swansea SA5 4HJ.

The Registered Companies Number is 7915974 and the  contact details are

Email :

Call : 07814 202216 

To view their website where all sorts of services are offered at a price to remove children from perfectly good families click here

It is absolutely amazing that the likes of Julie Rzezniczek who should be in jail for her crime of kidnapping is still allowed to ply her evil trade as a free woman.

Who says that there is no " Cover Up " of which the main players are now The Welsh Assembly Government and its Assembly Members,Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and it's Councillor's, former leader of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Derek Vaughan MEP and Hywel Francis MP the local Member of Parliament. 

But it is hardly surprising !

Remember David Johnston the former Welsh Inspector of Social Services who deliberately fabricated and entered false and fraudulent evidence into a secret court ? click here to read the worldwide press release which has raised a lot of eyebrows and has created a phenomenal amount of interest.

Well before he was recently appointed Head of Corporate Parenting at Suffolk County Borough Council in Children and Young Peoples Services. Email :

He was a director of a private Social Work Business based in Ipswich trading under the name of Skylakes who's motto is

"Skylakes is a Social Work business that’s paid for results."

To view their website click here 

Further information coming to light is the alleged role played by David Johnston in the North Wales Child Abuse Enquiry Cover Up of 1998.

I am led to believe that evidence from victims in North Wales and the North West of England is currently being obtained and collated and should be with us soon.

To the growing number of supporters of the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign " worldwide it is a repugnant thought that Rzezniczek and Johnston are not behind bars and are still allowed to practise their evil trade.

Who says crime doesn't pay ?

But when we realise that our elected officials are themselves criminals it is not really surprising.

Is it ?