Thursday 30 June 2011

Did the South Wales Evening Post deliberately aid Neath Port Talbot Social Services and the Police in the fictitious hunt for Linda's daughter or were they cynically duped and used in this criminal act ?


I am releasing some more of the evidence into the public domain under "Public Interest Law.

Below is a list of Common Public Interest Factors that are relevant to Linda's case and the offences that have been committed by Doctors,Politicians,Social Services,Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Judges to protect their own kind from being accountable to the law.


Below is the front page of the South Wales Evening Post dated Thursday February 12th 1998.

 The plea for information on a "so called missing child " is headlined " Health Concern as girl,11 is missing."

The following day Friday the 13th of February 1998 a similar article appeared under the headline "Police search for N******."

Remember the dates Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th of February 1998.

Below is the Lewis' families flight itinerary that they received from Lunn Poly for travelling to and from Florida in order to receive an independent diagnosis after Doctors had tried to kill Linda's daughter in this country.Please note all the names are Lewis.

As per the itinerary the family did travel from Manchester to Florida on the 21st of January 1998. In America Linda's daughter required further medical investigation and was to be admitted to Shand's Hospital on the 18th of February 1998, so the return date of 4th February 1998 was cancelled.

There is nothing untoward in this and at first it seems perfectly innocent until you read the following page of  a statement made by  Julie Reznicek of Neath Port Talbot Social Services. 

Please click on image to enlarge

In her statement Julie Reznicek clearly states.

" I had a meeting with principle officers of the local authority on the 30th January 1998 when it was agreed that Alison Paisley and myself would travel to Manchester Airport on Wednesday the 4th of February 1998 to meet the family on their arrival the next morning to serve them with a recovery order. DS Azzopardi contacted Special Branch at Manchester Airport and they said they would assist in the recovery of the child if necessary." 

Conclusive evidence that Neath Port Talbot Social Services and the Police knew the exact whereabouts of the family and their itinerary.

What they they could not have possible known is that the families return flight from Florida had been cancelled as Linda's daughter required further tests.

The elaborate smoke screen that they had created by placing "false and fraudulent appeals" pretending to be concerned about the child's welfare in the South Wales Evening Post articles of the 12th and 13th of February 1998 was now blown.

Their underhand,misleading and illegal efforts to remove Linda's daughter on arrival back in the UK under the guise of a missing child in danger was now also foiled.

Now the panic in their midst set in.

Now the plan to kidnap Linda's daughter with an illegal passport under a false name began to take shape.

Now Julie Reznicek and Alison Paisley would become " Child Kidnappers" in America instead of Manchester.


Did the South Wales Evening Post deliberately aid Neath Port Talbot Social Services and the Police in the fictitious hunt for Linda's daughter or were they cynically duped and used ?

I have emailed them this link and I await their reply.

More to follow with evidence soon.

The Lewis Family and all the supporters thank you all for reading this and the fantastic support being offered.


Saturday 25 June 2011

"Justice for Linda Lewis." Evidence released under Public Interest Law.

Before starting for those of you unfamiliar with Linda's campaign the basic outline of this case can be read by clicking on


I am releasing some some of the evidence into the public domain to prove under "Public Interest Law "that Linda's 12 year old daughter was " Illegally Kidnapped " at gunpoint from her hospital bed in America in 1998 by agents from Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Social Services to cover up for medical negligence in the United Kingdom.

For those of you who are maybe unfamiliar with the full story of this case please see the links at the bottom of this article.

Below is a list of Common Public Interest Factors that are relevant to Linda's case and the offences that have been committed by Doctors,Politicians,Social Services,Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Judges to protect their own kind from being accountable to the law. 

By chance a couple of weeks ago entirely by accident Linda and her Mother happened to bump into their daughter/granddaughter in the locality.

Linda's daughter is now aged 25 and by law should have been returned to her mother when she reached the age of 18 even though she should NEVER have been taken in the first place.

The response to seeing her Mother and Grandmother for the first time in many years was like a scene from a "Horror Movie." Linda's daughter was scared , literally terrified.

Such was the impact on Linda's daughter when seeing her mother was that she launched into a fearful tirade,hands gesticulating "Oh No ! Oh no leave me alone."

So what level of "Brain Washing", control and fear have Social Services installed into this innocent victim in the 13 years that they have had her under their control ?

What have they done to the mind of a 12 year old girl who was so desperate to be returned to her family that she smuggled out to her mother the following letter. ( This is only one of many letters that were smuggled out to her family that we have in our possession. )

Click on Thumbnails below to read.

You will see in the second part of the letter that Linda's daughter quite clearly states " Julie Rzezniczek and the Guardian have told me I'm never coming home."

This is interesting.

At the time of this letter from her daughter Linda had never even been into court in order to present her case and to fight to have her daughter returned to her custody.

The decision to keep the kidnapped child captive and in their care had already been made.

It is blatantly obvious that this case was going to be a state sponsored cover up from day one and still is today.

Nb.Julie Rzezniczek ( correct spelling ) was at the time the Senior Social Worker who along with Alison Paisley another Social Worker went to America armed with an "illegal and false passport" to kidnap Linda's daughter and to return her to the UK.

For your information Julie Rzezniczek is now Head of Children and Young People Services for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. God help our children.

It is also worth pointing out the extreme and cruel mental pressure that was being inflicted on Linda's daughter at the time.

 What sort of people would stop a child from telling her family that she loves them, was still in pain and was desperate to go home and if she did they would in Linda's daughters own words " STOP CONTACT NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN ?"

The disgusting agents from Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Social Services that's who !

No ones child in South Wales can ever be considered safe.

At one point fabricated evidence was submitted into court by North Wales Police stating that Linda was going to enter into a "Suicide Pact " with her daughter. This fabricated evidence was supposedly given to them by a Miss Penny Mellor who was aware of Linda and her daughters fight for Justice.

This false evidence was entered into court without Linda having any knowledge of it's existence.

Is this one example of the way that Linda's daughter has been brainwashed and manipulated by Social Services into turning against her mother,family and friends ? 

Fabricated  Letter from the Welsh Office



Below is Penny Mellors response when informed of what she was supposed to have said.

Penny Mellor was indeed correct. In her words " Either way they are all going to get into serious trouble now because they have all lied and fabricated evidence."

Now the cover up starts to get bigger.    

Moving on.


When someone is to be extradited from an overseas country and brought back to the UK various Government Departments have to be informed and have to be involved by law.

Linda,her daughter and Linda's father legally left the UK on the 21st of January 1998. On arrival all three signed Customs Declaration forms correctly in the name Lewis.

On the 18th of February 1998 Linda's daughter was removed from her hospital bed at gunpoint and returned a few days latter under a false and fraudulent passport ( No 200523701)in the name of Edwards. This emergency passport was requested by Julie Rzezniczek.

UK Law will not allow a passport to be issued to anyone under an assumed or false name. The only name that a passport may be issued to is the name on the birth certificate.

The only name on Linda's daughters birth certificate is Lewis. 

Julie Rzezniczek supplied false and fraudulent to the Foreign Office in order to obtain an emergency passport in a false name.

 So how come Linda received the following replies ?

For Linda's daughter to have been extradited legally and correctly from America Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council  would have to have applied for and have in their possession a valid "Recovery Order or Pick Up Order."

We have proved in a Court Of Law that no document ever existed. In Cardiff Civil Court on the 28th of October 2009 the  Barrister for Neath Port Talbot Miss Sutton did enter into court "false and fraudulent evidence" in a desperate attempt to mislead Judge Seys Llewellyn.

 Being part of the cover up and an instrument of the state and a protector of the guilty Judge Seys Llewellyn ignored Miss Sutton's actions and allowed her to continue despite our correct request that Miss Sutton be arrested for "committing perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice."

During this facade 5 Councillors,myself and 4 sitting Councillors from Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Cllrs John Tallamy, Andrew Tutton, Frank Little and Keith Davies were all to testify that Neath Port Talbot Council had indeed acted illegally by KIDNAPPING Linda's daughter from her hospital bed in America.

Not one of us was allowed to take the stand ! 

Several statements of witnesses ( 4 from sitting Councillors from Neath Port Talbot Council ) supporters and friends who attended this "Kangaroo Court" were sent to Judge Seys Llewellyn and Lord Igor Judge Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales in protest at what took place. No replies were ever received.My statement is printed below.

In my statement I mention that the "Spycatcher Law " was used. It is now widely acknowledged that whenever " Spycatcher " is used it is in order to protect powerful people, lackeys of Government who have acted illegally and outside of the law.

Other points to make on the above "Kangaroo Court."

At the time Linda's daughter was aged 23 an adult and was not allowed into court. Neath Port Talbot Council Social Services testified on her behalf without obtaining any written consent from Linda's daughter. This of course is illegal.


The case was in itself illegal.It was held under the guise of a Family Court and not a Civil or Criminal Court. How can the ongoing case of an adult now 23 still be held in a Family Court ?

Answer. In any other court the procedures would be available to public scrutiny such as the press etc.One thing that guilty people with lots to hide and jail sentences awaiting them would never want or allow !

Moving on again.

A botched and illegal operation. Then a deliberate attempt to murder Linda's daughter by Dr Dewi Evans department of Paediatrics at Singleton Hospital Swansea to cover it up.

In December 1996 Linda's daughter was admitted to Neath General Hospital on a referral from her GP suffering from pain in the upper abdomen.

After a week of tests Mr John Elias the Surgeon diagnosed that he was 100% certain that Linda's daughter was suffering from appendicitis.This was an incorrect diagnosis.

( Normally when someone is admitted to hospital with appendicitis they are operated on without delay.)

John Elias performed the appendectomy and removed a perfectly healthy appendix. Two days later Linda's daughter was in even worse pain and as a result of this operation contracted an abscess resulting in severe blood poisoning which nearly killed her.

As a result of this the cover up gains even more momentum !

Linda was later to find out from a member of Bro Morganwg Health Authority who if allowed into court would testify that 1- The hospital was not licensed to perform this operation and 2- The anaesthetist Mr Baso had been earlier "struck off " by the NHS in Nottingham. 3- As a result of having no license to perform this operation Bro Morganwg Health Authority had no form of insurance whatsoever.

Mr John Elias was well protected for his mistake as one of his brothers was a prominent Barrister in London based out of the inner temple.His other brother at this time was the Recorder in Swansea Court who is no other than  Mr Gerard Elias QC who was appointed on 17 November 2010 as the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards.

Below is a copy of a prescription that was given to Linda Lewis. The notes above the prescription are self explanatory.

So why was this prescription given ?

Quite simply.

If Linda had given the above prescription to her daughter she would have been dead.

Linda would then have been arrested for killing her own child and jailed.

If this had happened then there would have been no further case for the guilty to answer. They would have got away with it.

80 milligrams of Oral Morphine given to a then 10 year old child would have proved fatal as confirmed by many Doctors.

One Doctor who confirmed this and we have 5 witness statement to prove it is Dr Brian Gibbons the former Welsh Assembly Member for Aberavon but would not speak on Linda and her families behalf.

Shame on him for ignoring his duty of care to Linda,her daughter and her family as a Doctor and as an elected representative of the Welsh Assembly.



Other related articles  relevant to this appalling abuse of Justice by criminals in authority.

My thanks go out to everyone who has read this article and in particular the team who over the last few months have helped us by downloading all the evidence onto disc.

Over 3000 discs have now been sent to supporters worldwide.

Massive progress is being made in America where the American authorities were duped into allowing this kidnapping to happen.

On behalf of the team and especially Linda and her family thanks for all your support.

Please forward this article onto as many people that you know who may be interested in this appalling miscarriage of justice. and abuse of power.  

Tuesday 14 June 2011

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Having just read an article on Andrew Brons MEP's website entitled "The Unity Candidate" I came across the following comment.

"If we are to have unity it must be a union of decent people. Individuals who are thuggish either physically or ideologically must be made unwelcome. Only by setting a good example will we be able to preach eg about proper punishment for crime, discipline in the schools and a moral society etc and appeal to the broad mass of decent people in this country.
We must not hand any propaganda ammunition to our left-liberal enemies such as the BBC if we can help it."

I couldn't agree more !


Sunday 5 June 2011



A father who freed his son for two days from Swedish Social Services was released from prison last Saturday.

The son, aged nine, remains in foster care following the family’s decision to homeschool before a planned emigration to India.

Christer Johansson was arrested two months ago on a charge of kidnapping his own child after he, his wife Annie and his son Domenic walked out of a government ‘contact’ centre.

The trouble started on 26 June, 2009, when seven-year old Domenic Johansson was seated in a commercial airliner with his parents awaiting departure on a flight to India.

Though the family had received no prior warning, Swedish authorities boarded the plane just minutes before take-off, forcibly removed Domenic from his parents and placed him in foster care.

Domenic is a dual citizen of Sweden and India.

The family were planning to move to India where Mrs Johansson’s family lives, and were planning to place Domenic in a school there.

However, Swedish Social Services on the island of Gotland wanted to prevent the move to force Domenic to attend a Swedish state school instead.

The family received no preliminary warning, nor had they been forbidden from leaving the country.

Christian Voice understands that during an earlier court hearing, Christer Johansson explained that the reason they wanted to home-school was because they would be emigrating to India shortly.

The judge allowed the family to home-school, but as Christer had disclosed their date of travel to the court, social services and the police were able to board the plane, a move which the family did not foresee.

After Domenic’s abduction, there followed an agonizing 18 months during which Social Services told Mr & Mrs Johansson that they could only have an access meeting every five weeks with Domenic if they pretended to him that they did not want him at home.

British Social Services impose similar conditions on parents.

Finally, Christer Johansson decided to defy the social services by bringing Domenic home.

He was able to spend two days with his family and learn the truth: that they loved him and wanted him home, that they had not rejected him and had been fighting for his freedom.

That was on 22nd November last year.

Two days later police descended upon the Johansson home and once again took Domenic into captivity in addition to arresting Mr Johansson on the charge of kidnapping.

While in prison Mr. Johansson was subject to psychological evaluations and deprived of adequate representation.

However, the court-appointed psychologist cleared Mr. Johansson of psychological problems.

The finding of the psychologist is in direct opposition to the accusations made against Mr. Johansson by the Social Services – accusations which formed part of their case for why Domenic should not be returned to his parents.

Nevertheless, the Friends of Domenic Blog has reported that “Gotland Social Services continues to insist that Mr. Johansson suffers from a narcissistic disorder, while independent psychological assessments find him psychologically healthy.”

This case displays all the arrogance of Social Services departments that we experience in Britain.

The Swedish SS believe they know better that parents how a child should be educated.

They believe it is better for a child to be forcibly placed ‘in care’ and made to attend a Swedish school than go to India with his parents and attend school there.

Friday 3 June 2011

Despite the hypocracy of my fellow Councillors. Pengroes plans still on course.

PLANS for a major re-development at Penygroes  including the provision of a new school, doctors surgery and care home  are still on course, Llandybie community councillors have been told.

The claim came from local councillor Kevin Edwards during a discussion on whether a long-closed footpath across the former Emlyn Colliery Tip would soon be re-opened for members of the public.

Technical officer Brian James said the county councils area footpaths officer had been told that re-development of the land would not take place for some time.

But Cllr Edwards maintained the landowners  who were party to a Section 106 agreement - did not want the footpath re-opened as clearance of the old colliery site could be starting within the next six weeks.

He added: The landowners are still happy to build a new surgery there as was the case three years ago.

My understanding is that this re-development would include 97 houses, a new doctors surgery, a new school and care home.

Both owners are not prepared to allow any access across there. They tell me they dont want the footpath to go ahead as they are worried about contaminated waste being dumped there.

And Cllr Edwards stated that health chiefs would prefer a new surgery at Penygroes rather than being based in other monstrosity and nonsense of a health centre earmarked for Cross Hands.

But Cllr Peter Roberts argued that councillors had heard it all before. "We've been promised so much and been to numerous exhibitions in the past only to have been let down time and time again, he told colleagues.

Considering that economic conditions are hardly conducive to building a major development such as this I think we should go ahead with this footpath. And Cllr Llinos Hindley said the local authoritys footpaths officer was keen to see the right of way re-opened as it had been closed for so many years.

It was agreed to prepare a report for the councils next meeting on June 29.

Since I became a Councillor in 2008 I have always supported this development. I have worked behind the scenes always hoping that this project would go ahead despite the objections of every other Councillor in Penygroes.

We could now as close as six weeks away to this becoming reality.

It would mean that the Doctors Surgery would not have to close and relocate to Crosshands something that most residents would be greatful for.

This would also protect the Chemists and the splendid nearby cafe.

I find it amazing that this project has received such negativity in the past.

Let's hope common sense will now prevail.


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