Saturday 19 May 2012

Someone Must Be Shitting Themselves !

Having just returned home from a short time away I was amused to find that a recent article that I had published had been removed from this site by the owners of blogger and the following message inserted in it's place.

Blogger Blog takedown notification

Post Unavailable

In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed this post. If you wish, you can read more about the request at
The article in question referred  to the new business enterprise being undertaken by one Julie Rzezniczek the disgraced former Head of Children's Services of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and kidnapper of Linda's daughter N@t@sh@.

Obviously someone is upset at the article that was read by hundreds of people worldwide and attracted 23 comments.

Obviously someone may think that I have breached Miss Rzezniczek's rights by posting details of her new business venture, her place of business, her email address and her contact telephone number on this blog even though it is freely available to anyone who wishes to do a simple " GOOGLE SEARCH." 

So someone thinks that Julie Rzezniczek has rights ! 

Well my question to Julie Rzezniczek is this.

What rights did you ever give to Linda or N@t@sh@ ?

Please read again the following letter ( one of many ) that N@t@sh@ smuggled out to her mother while you were keeping her as a prisoner against her will at the tender age of 12 years old.

Could you also explain to myself as you can clearly see at the bottom of the letter that N@t@sh@ clearly deeply distraught writes.

" Julie Rzezniczek and the Guardian have told me I'm never coming please mam Can I come home I love you loads and nan and Grandad."

I would also like to point out to you Miss Rzezniczek that at the time that this letter was smuggled out and received NO DATES had ever been set for any sort of court hearing to decide the outcome of N@t@sh@'s custody and future placement !



The answer is simple.

Everything about this case is unlawful and illegal and you have played the prime role in the kidnapping and abuse of this child and the continued cover up.

One day you will be in jail. 

Friday 18 May 2012

Submission to the Education Select Committee Investigating Child Protection 23rd January 2012

Below is a Submission presented on behalf of the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign " along with nine other cases of horrendous behavior by those in authority who have deliberately ignored the wishes and rights of children and their parents. You can read all nine cases by clicking here .

Despite the evidence being overwhelming in all nine cases no reply has ever been received as a result of the submissions.

MP's remain silent. 

The cover ups continue.

The 24-Year-Old Estranged Daughter who Can’t Speak to her Mother Linda Lewis after having been kidnapped twelve years ago

1.Nature of the Case / Background

This case has also been called the worst of all child snatching cases by experts – mainly due to the medical cover-up.

Councillor Kevin Edwards reports on this story on his blog Justice for Linda Lewis here.

It started with Linda’s daughter being medically mis-diagnosed. She did suffer from perforation of the gut, while doctors stated her pain was ‘imaginary’. Hence her mother took her privately to Florida.

There, American Police assisted in letting UK Social Services kidnap her from her mother and grandfather at gunpoint, from her hospital bed, using a false and illegal passport.

She was put into a psychiatric unit and has never seen her mother since, but has a Social Service contact
close to her.

2. Submissions of Fact

Her story is being told by Brian Gerrish, publisher of UK Column on this video here .

When travelling to America, she was on her mother’s passport. But the passport used for the girl to be taken back was false. At the time the girl wrote letters about her misery, whereas Social Services told her not to say that she is in pain or that she loves her mother.

Eventually she did get treated for the illness that was only diagnosed thanks to the private efforts of her

Social Services placed an advert claiming the girl was missing.

In court, where the mother challenged Social Services, she was not allowed to call four local councillors as witnesses. But the judge allowed witnesses to the Local Authority.

3. Points of Law and Procedure

The case is unique because a lifelong injunction has been placed on this case to prevent the evidence from coming out.

An innocent mother has been threatened with immediate arrest and jail, if any of her evidence is ever made public.

Lawyers, judges, politicians, doctors and social workers have conspired to prevent this case from entering a criminal court where the evidence would be scrutinised ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’.

The injunction would be breached here by any letter from a Welsh Assembly Member to the Health and Social Services Minister, a Member of Parliament, Government Minister or the NHS Trust tabling questions or motions in the Assembly or in Parliament would also breach the injunction.

The only way to take this matter forward is to challenge it in the courts.


I cannot see any case in isolation.

What they all have in common is:

The apparent inability of authorities to admit to mistakes.

The preference of collusion for cover-ups to apologies and acknowledgement of errors.

The complete disregard of the people concerned.

A remarkable ability for lies and a seeming absence of a conscience.

A list of the members of the Education Committee can be found here

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Gwenda Thomas AM a Hypocrite.

WELSH ministers must consider the rights of children and young people in all the decisions they make about new legislation, policies and changes to existing policy as of today.

A duty on ministers to have due regard to the requirements of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has come into force backed by the Welsh Government's Children's Rights Measure.

Gwenda Thomas, the Deputy Minister for Children, visited Big Pit National Coal Museum to meet schoolchildren and talk about how their lives and rights compared to those of previous generations.

She said: "I am very proud to be involved in this historic occasion in my role as minister on the portfolio for children.

"Wales is breaking new ground on children's rights and other countries will be looking at our experiences as they look to implement the convention.

"We've come a long way since 2004 when we adopted the UNCRC with our work for children and young people."

Source Here

Questions to Gwenda Thomas.

What rights did you give to N@t@sh@ Lewis when you aided and abetted in her kidnapping from America ?

What rights did you give to N@t@sh@ when she was smuggling letters to her Mother begging to go home ?

None at all.

We have the evidence on your part in the cover up Gwenda.