Friday 29 November 2013

Guy Taylor Interview " AXIS OF TRUTH " Paltalk Room

Tomorrow Saturday 30 November 2013 starting at 1900 the AXIS OF TRUTH paltalk room will be holding an interview, Question and Answer session with Guy Taylor.
Guy has been active for many years in fighting the corruption within our courts ,banking system , utility companies etc and is a strong advocate of The Commercial Lien process , and Common Law which is still the highest law of the land.
Guy was one of over 600 people who turned up at a court in Birkenhead and arrested the corrupt Judge Peake.
It should be an excellent , informative evening.
All Welcome.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with paltalk you can download it for free by clicking HERE and follow the instructions.
Hope you can make it.

Monday 18 November 2013

Letter Received From Welsh Assembly Member David Rees And A Veiled Threat.

A letter arrived at Linda's house last Friday from Welsh Assembly Member David Rees in response to the email sent to him and The First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones on the 5th of November 2013.
The article covering this and the contents of that email can be viewed HERE
As in previous articles there is no need to publish Mr Rees letter but Linda has authorised me to publish her reply to Mr Rees in which Carwyn Jones has been copied in.
Below is Linda's email. Click read more to continue. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Email Sent To Welsh Assembly Government First Minister Carwyn Jones And Local Welsh Assembly Member David Rees

Below is a copy of an email sent today by Linda Lewis to Welsh Assembly First Minister Carwyn Jones and Local Welsh Assembly Member David Rees.,

Dear David Rees AM
I would like to draw your attention back to the meeting held with yourself on Monday 15th April 2013 in the presence of myself, Kevin Edwards and several supporters who remained outside the building at Morrison Road Library, Port Talbot.
During the meeting a lot of information was given to you regarding the kidnapping from my care of my daughter in 1998 by agents of Neath Port Talbot Social Services.
Over six months have passed since that meeting and despite my many requests by email and by letter I am extremely disappointed that you have failed to supply me with the basic information that I requested from you at that time.
I feel I am being deliberately stonewalled by you as no answers to my basic requests for information have been forthcoming. 
So I ask again.
1 – Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and the Welsh Assembly Government have often stated in the press, by letter and by email that a thorough investigation has been conducted regarding my case and that they are satisfied with their findings. Therefore there should be no problem with you obtaining a valid and legal “UK Generated Pick up Order “ on my behalf bearing in mind that if such a document does not exist then everything done to me in 1998 is illegal.
2 - When did this alleged thorough investigation take place? Who attended and who chaired the meeting? If such a meeting took place then obviously there will be minutes of this meeting that I would like to see and trust that you will provide me with them without delay.
For information
A - It is illegal to destroy at any point paperwork that deals directly with any extradition and B - how could a thorough investigation have taken place when I was denied the opportunity to put my side of the story forward?
This email has been bcc’d to several campaign groups and alternative media outlets in the UK and worldwide as well as The First Minister Carwyn Jones for his perusal.
I have authorised Kevin Edwards to place the following article onto my website and I give my full authority for you to reply to anyone who so wishes to contact you regarding my case as it is very much in the Public Interest.
Also please note the change in email address so that there can be no dispute that this email has been sent by me.
Mr Rees I have been advised by many people that as the information that I have requested over six months ago is still not forthcoming that I formally place you on notice and expect a full response to my request from you as per 1 and 2 above within 10 working days.
I look forward to receiving all answers and valid documentation by the end of business on Wednesday 20th  November 2013.
Yours Sincerely,
Linda Lewis


The content of the email is self evident as far as I am concerned but one does wonder if it will be replied to.

It is to be hoped that Carwyn Jones and others will not allow themselves to be so ill-informed as to suggest once again that a "thorough investigation" into The Linda Lewis  case has already been undertaken.
No investigation that could possibly be described as such has ever happened.