Tuesday 18 October 2011

" Its a Slam Dunk " say the American Activists of the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign."

Monday night was a good night for the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign." For those of you unfamiliar with this case then you can read about it on


Over 3000 people are actively involved in this case working tirelessly  behind the scenes worldwide.

All the evidence pertaining to this crime has been carefully placed onto over 300 discs safely held by trusted colleagues in over 30 countries.

Taking on Bent Judges,Corrupt Politicians, Crooked Police Officers, Immoral and Dishonest Social Workers and Doctors, all who band together and hide behind a web of lies and illegal injunctions that they have concocted to save their own worthless necks was never going to be easy.

Don't get me wrong it is definitely not all " doom and gloom. " Small breakthroughs are happening all the time.

The Guilty are rattled and they should be even more rattled now than they ever have been before.

Activists in America have made a big breakthrough.

Why the American interest ?

Well Linda's daughter then aged 12 in 1998 was kidnapped at gunpoint from her hospital bed in Florida by agents of Neath Port Talbot Social Services and returned to the UK on a false passport to cover up for medical negligence in the UK.  

An independent broadcasting station has agreed to study the evidence in full that could well lead to a documentary being made next year. 

So what tipped the balance ?

A  fraudulent and perjured letter that was submitted by a Mr David Johnston formerly the Social Services Inspector for the Welsh Office. See the original letter below.


In the letter David Johnston clearly states that Miss Penny Mellor had seen a suicide note that the parents were going to "take the child, kill her and themselves."

Obviously no such note ever existed !

This letter was submitted into an unlawful meeting in that Miss Lewis should have been in attendance under Family Court Law. She wasn't there. She knew nothing about this meeting and neither did Penny Mellor.

So what did Penny Mellor have to say when she found out about David Johnston's letter ? See below.

This is absolute proof that the former Social Services Inspector for the Welsh Office Mr David Johnston did enter a  totally fabricated letter in order to pervert the course of justice and wrongly influence future court proceedings. 

When I published the following  article in July 2011


I received the following email from Penny Mellor.

Penny Mellor to me
show details 1 Jul (5 days ago)
Penny Mellor has left a new comment on your post ""Justice for Linda Lewis." Evidence released under...":

I did not, at any time submit any evidence to anyone that there "was a suicide pact" - this is a complete fabrication - given that I was helping the family and held in contempt of court for trying to help, why would I then jeopardise the work that had already been done. Sadly I do believe the family believe that I did this. I went to prison for my beliefs in another case, it does not make any sense at all for me to go to those lengths if I have done what is being alleged.

Posted by Penny Mellor to Cllr Kevin Edwards." Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign " Councillor at 1 July 2011 17:15
 Reply Forward

Further proof  that a serious crime has been committed here by David Johnston.

So why has this American broadcasting station taken such an interest in the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign ? "

Well according to my American friend it is because of the following article. 


Carwyn Jones the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly has been advised of this crime and has refused to even reply to my email.

So now the Americans know that this is a cover up and that something very,very wrong is still being allowed to continue by those in authority who are still abusing their power and the trust of the people who they are duty bound to serve.


Monday 17 October 2011

You and I know that the corrupt political elite will pull out all the stops to prevent this.But we intend to raise hell!

A Message from Paul Golding Coordinator of Britain First

Fellow patriot

In previous emails, I explained how the campaign for a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU scored a victory when a petition of 100,000 people forced a debate in Parliament.

However, forces are at work to thwart the will of the British people!

This debate, we were told, would take place 'before Christmas'.

Well, the gauntlet has finally been thrown down!

This is from today's Telegraph:

"A powerful parliamentary committee is expected to confirm plans for a Commons debate on an EU referendum when it meets tomorrow and could set a date for it within the next three weeks."

This is a once in a generation opportunity to make a real difference, and to get OUR voices heard!
Just imagine waking up to headlines in the newspapers stating that Parliament has voted in favour of an EU referendum!

David Cameron and the liberal elite are aghast at the prospect of a referendum.

This is from a Conservative party source: "Cameron will move heaven and earth to stop this. The last thing he wants is a Commons vote demanding a referendum."

Mr Bone, a member of the parliamentary committee about to decide the date of the debate, said:"The Government cannot stop this going ahead; although I am sure they want to."

"The Government should make this a free vote as this is a matter that has come from the people, not from the Government. MPs should make up their own minds."

We disagree! We believe our MP's must vote in accordance with the will of the British people!

It is up to each of us to do all we can to influence their decision and put the truth before them.

The consequence of this parliamentary vote could be momentous: an actual referendum on Britain's membership of the EU is within our grasp!

You and I know that the corrupt political elite will pull out all the stops to prevent this - that's why we must act now to combat their threats.

David Cameron is worried - this is the headline from yesterday's Daily Mail:"Cameron fears EU referendum revolt as MPs' vote looms."

We must move quickly, organise fast and utilise every strategy at our disposal to force our MPs to do the honourable thing and let the British people decide.

This is why Britain First is launching a big push to apply pressure on our MPs - we intend to raise hell!
Here is what we intend to do with your help:

This crucial campaign will therefore cost around £2,000.

This is an historic moment for Britain, and one where YOU can personally play your part!
Please get behind our campaign and send an urgent financial gift today.

 This is YOUR fight!

Gifts of £10, £30, £50, £100 and even £250 are all desperately needed.

A large gift of £500 would get the campaign off to a flying start!

Britain is in danger of being comsumed wholesale by the EU once and for all!

This IS the chance we have all worked towards for years, so let's not waste it.

It's time for that final push, so let's get busy.

Please click on the link below and join the fight today:


Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Campaigns Coordinator

Sunday 9 October 2011

Prime Time reveals how children from mother and baby homes were used as test subjects by pharmaceutical companies who were trialling new vaccines.

The link below is important.

It is for everyone to know the truth of the many children in care and the medical worlds experiments still going on with them.

Please pass on the link below and continue to be a voice to help our children in care who are still being given drugs,and a voice for many thousands of children in care who are also wrongly diagnosed with ADHD, and given even more drugs with devastating side effects.

Our kids in care are used by pharmaceutical companies and governments know it is going on.

Many kids in care are ordered by the social services and cafcass to under go psychiatric treatment then put on to more drugs, just a little of the truth is here in this link, recently published by the RTE news in Southern Ireland.

Please watch the video on the link below and forward onto as many people as you can.


Saturday 8 October 2011

We can do this. We can stop Child Stealing by the State.

Have you experienced any of the following:
  • Children taken under false pretences?
  • Bullying by Children's Services, Cafcass, Local Authority?
  • False verbal and documentary evidence in Court?
  • Collusion behind your back by your Legal Team with the Local Authority legal team?
  • MPs ignoring you and your plight? Child(ren) being abused in the 'care' of Children's Services?
  • Mental breakdown because of the attack on your family?
Do you hold information and evidence concerning:
  • State trafficking of children?
  • Falsifying of Family Court Documents?
  • Children disappearing into the care system?
  • Police deliberately blocking investigations into child abuse rings?
  • Misinformation by the BBC and mainstream media?
  • False help and support groups, charities and people?
Have you attended meetings in Westminster that 'pat you on the head' and achieve nothing? - then you need to attend and be an active participant in Blowing the Whistle - Child Stealing by the State.
We need you and your evidence. We need you in numbers, because the State hides the evidence by isolating victims or controlling the support organisations to whom you turn. By making out that only a few isolated families are affected the State can control national media to hide the truth. 
Please provide a 2 page summary of the basic facts of your case and indicate evidence that you hold. Here is an example to help you do this. Active participants will be asked to provide evidence for use at the conference. Real evidence is vital to stopping the unlawful abuse of families and children.
Any questions or for more information, please email:childstealingbythestate@ukcolumn.org
Blowing The Whistle - Child Stealing By The State
Event Date: 
Sun, 23rd Oct 2011
Start Time: 


Kings Hall
Off Glebe Street
Stoke On Trent ST4 1FT

This is not a conference to discuss the "issues" and "concerns" with children, and to set out a way to "help reform the system", as some MPs suggest.
This is a conference to expose and bring to trial those helping the State to steal and abuse children. We will name names, departments, authorities, organisations, judges, MPs, police, psychiatrists and more. With the help of those attending, we will expose the real evidence for:


Watch the video. Pass the word. Bring your friends. Be there!

Friday 7 October 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Brian Gerrish of the UK Column speaks on The British Resistance Paltalk Room

This is an excellent video by Brian Gerrish in which he talks about all the "Evils" that corrupt and rotten Politicians, Judges, Police Officers, Doctors, Social Services and many more are forcing on the people of this once great country.

It was Brian Gerrish who first publicised the appalling case of Linda Lewis and continues to support the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign. "

Brian speaks directly about Linda's case on the video  starting at 35 minutes for approximately 8 minutes.

For those of you who might doubt the reality of what happened to Linda and her daughter this should allay any concerns that you might have had.

In all the video is 2 hours 50 minutes long but is well worth making the time to listen to it in full.


Brian Gerrish of the UK Column will be a guest speaker at a Britain First meeting to be held in Swansea on Monday 31/10/11.

More details will be published at a later date.