Following a meeting this weekend with fellow supporters it was decided that Linda Lewis should send an email to David Rees AM who is currently investigating the crime committed by Neath Port Talbot Council and Steve Phillips the councils Chief Executive.
Eight documents were included as attachments as evidence of what David Michael had done by deliberately lying to the courts to influence their decision in his favour.
If we need to they will be published at a later date but for the time being they will remain private.
Here is Linda's email.
Dear Mr Rees
Thank you for your above dated letter I received this weekend which also includes a letter dated 9 July 2013 from David Michael Head of Legal Services at NPTCBC which is most interesting.
A meeting was held this weekend at which various points were discussed within the team.
Therefore I would like to address several points with you that cannot be disputed.
With regards to the documents that I have requested to see from the Welsh Assembly Government I would like to point out that under "public interest law" which supersedes all others you have a right and so do I to see the documentation that I have requested. There is no hiding from this.
We do not recognise any injunction taken out by NPTCBC as" No injunction can be taken out to cover up for criminal acts “that is a fact of law. They are merely a tool for the Council to hide behind in order to cover up for their own criminality.
Neither can an injunction be recognised when false or fraudulent evidence is submitted into court in order to influence its decision.
Once again I provide you with the following UK Column Link
I hope that you will look at it this time. It is a simple Youtube link that will not bring down the emailing system of the Welsh Assembly Government.
Neither will the attachments that are included for your urgent attention affect your email system in anyway.
I will now be proving to you that the last illegal injunction by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council was fraudulently obtained.
What I am going to do is prove to you that David Michael in order to obtain, in desperation an Ex-Parte injunction to cover up for his councils criminal acts did commit perjury by submitting false and fraudulent information before the court in a document that he has signed as truthful dated 9th October 2008.
In his application David Michael states on page numbered 462 sections 2 and 3 that I am “Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy."
This is a fraudulent statement and a deliberate lie.
David Michael would be well aware that in the summing up of The Hon Mr Justice Sumner KT on the 25th November 1998 in the law courts, Cathays Park Cardiff on page 60 section f he clearly states and I quote
“I do not find that this is a case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy."
David Michael would have been aware of this as he refers to Justice Sumners verdict on several occasions in his application.
David Michael has also requested to the court on page 460 sections 2 and I quote
“The interim injunction is made without notice to the Respondents on the basis of urgency."
The question has to be asked why was I as Second Respondent or the British National Party as First Respondent denied access to the charges against us?
Please see attachments proof of everything I have said.
I have authorised my representative former BNP Councillor Kevin Edwards that should he wish he may forward this email onto the Legal Department of the British National Party who as First Respondent were like me unjustly punished as a result of the perjury committed by David Michael to protect a corrupt and unaccountable local authority.
This email has also been forwarded onto Mr Steve Phillips the Chief Executive of NPTCBC and I expect him to suspend David Michael from his post of Head of Legal Services of said authority without delay and to launch a full and thorough investigation of what his Council has been up to here.
Finally I would like to point out that I was never meant to see the fraudulent court document submitted by David Michael as it was deliberately withheld from me and the British National Party on David Michael’s instructions.
Therefore I would like to personally thank the honest people within this corrupt authority who have a conscience and would like to see justice be done for their help and assistance in my case.
I have also Bcc’d this mail onto prominent people who need to be informed of this.
Mr Rees I look forward to you taking urgent action and your prompt reply.
Kind Regards
Linda Lewis
David Michael is guilty of Fraud, Perjury and Malfeasance In Public Office to name but a few. Criminal actions that carry a custodial sentence.
It is hard to see how he can last the week.
But then again this is Neath Port Talbot Council and The Welsh Assembly Government we are dealing with here.
Both have managed to get away with the 15 old crime of "Child Kidnapping" up to now.
Injunction ! There is no injunction.
This article has been immediately press released.