"South African Terrorist, alleged bank robber and hider of the missing £103,000 Peter Hain " enjoys himself at taxpayers expense.
MINISTERS and civil servants at the Wales Office have spent almost £100,000 on first class travel over the past year, figures showed tonight.
Welsh Secretary Peter Hain said ministers had spent £12,136 while civil servants at a range of grades accounted for £86,671 – a total of £98,807.
Welsh Secretary Peter Hain said ministers had spent £12,136 while civil servants at a range of grades accounted for £86,671 – a total of £98,807.
It means the department – which has just 60 staff and two ministers – spent £270.70 a day on first class travel over the past 12 months.
In a written parliamentary answer to shadow Treasury chief secretary Phillip Hammond, Mr Hain said workers travelled between offices in England and Wales.
In a written parliamentary answer to shadow Treasury chief secretary Phillip Hammond, Mr Hain said workers travelled between offices in England and Wales.
"As the Wales Office operates on split sites both in Cardiff and London, ministers and staff need to travel between offices in the conduct of their duties," the Welsh Secretary said.
"All official travel by ministers and civil servants is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the ministerial code and the civil service management code."
"As the Wales Office operates on split sites both in Cardiff and London, ministers and staff need to travel between offices in the conduct of their duties," the Welsh Secretary said.
"All official travel by ministers and civil servants is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the ministerial code and the civil service management code."
Standard class off-peak return tickets between London and Wales cost £74, with some available at £60.70.
Standard class off-peak return tickets between London and Wales cost £74, with some available at £60.70.
Off-peak first class tickets for the same journey cost £166.
Standard class anytime return tickets cost £183, with the first class version priced at £284.
Standard class anytime return tickets cost £183, with the first class version priced at £284.
No doubt in the eyes of the "corrupt and greedy political elite" they can see nothing wrong with this massive waste of taxpayers money.
No doubt the electorate can.
Vote BNP!
Kevin Edwards for MP.
Hain is a greedy, orange slug. I'm from the Neath area and the BNP have one guaranteed vote in the geneeral election....mine.
The problem with MP's over the years is they think they are good at their job and no-one else can do it and they should be paid more because they are a different class just like Peter 'the terrorist' Hain who threw broken glass onto a field where people were going to play on it! This guy is dangerous and a criminal! How is he in government with a criminal record. There again how is Hywel Francis in government he is not helping the people who are being tortured by hooligans and are asking him for help and he is turning a blind eye because the kids are police informers and he knows about the 'justice for Linda Lewis Campaign' and has done jack diddly sh#t,Hywel you should be sent to jail like the rest of Neath Port Talbot social services and council solicitor. How you all sleep at night is beyond me!!!!!!!!!!
Hain and Francis are obnoxious slime that milk every penny that they can get.
Useless corrupt and inept.
Bastions of a Council that is rotten and stinking beyond belief.
Things have to change.
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