Ballot Boxes have been interfered with.
The criminal courts are corrupt.
Injunctions are issued to protect the guilty of their crimes by supressing evidence.
Voting registers have gone missing.
You can be put in prison for 42 days just on suspicion.
Your children are monitored at school by political officers.
Your children are monitored at school by political officers.
Your children's behaviour is logged on a state database for their entire lives.
Your children's behaviour is logged on a state database for their entire lives.
Innocent peoples fingers prints, iris scans and DNA can be held by the state.
Innocent peoples fingers prints, iris scans and DNA can be held by the state.
You do not have the right to remain silent.
You do not have the right to remain silent.
You are being watched by 4 million CCTV cameras.
You are being watched by 4 million CCTV cameras.
It is illegal to photograph the police.
It is illegal to photograph the police.
The media is controlled by the state.
The media is controlled by the state.
Your travel movements are logged and monitored.
Your Emails and telephone calls are recorded by the state.
Your Emails and telephone calls are recorded by the state.
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain.
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain.
There has been 111 tax rises.
£100,000,000 drained from British pension funds.
Gun crime up 57%.
Violent crime up 70 %.
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe.
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe.
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100.000.
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100.000.
The only G7 country with zero growth this year.
Child poverty rising annually.
Child poverty rising annually.
Hospital acquired infections killing three times more people than are killed on the roads.
Britain has fell from 4th to 13th in world competitiveness, from 8th to 24th in world education ranking in maths, from 7th to 17th in literacy.
Britain has fell from 4th to 13th in world competitiveness, from 8th to 24th in world education ranking in maths, from 7th to 17th in literacy.
Fatal stabbings are at an all time high.
Illegal immigrant prisoners released and never deported.
Illegal immigrant prisoners released and never deported.
7 Million people without an NHS Dentist.
Substantial tax rises for working people set for after the election.
The 10p tax rate abolished.
The 10p tax rate abolished.
Gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth.
Gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth.
Our armed forces overstretched and grossly under supplied.
Profitable post offices closed.
The highest rate of family breakdown in Europe.
Personal details lost.
Personal details lost.
A promised referendum denied.
A promised referendum denied.
Smokers Banned from smoking.
Smokers Banned from smoking.
No wonder Gordon Brown told Labour party activists not to canvass on Labour's record in Government !
No wonder Gordon Brown told Labour party activists not to canvass on Labour's record in Government !
1 comment:
And yet we still have people saying they intend to vote Labour. They must be insane!
I don't agree with all BNP policies but by far the biggest part of them are spot on. Easily enough for me to not even hesitate to vote for Kevin, especially as he is the only candidate supporting Linda Lewis and her daughter. The sooner Kevin becomes the MP for Aberavon the better. Good luck Kevin!
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