Sunday, 28 March 2010


Last year Joanna Lumley spearheaded a campaign to get rights for the many Gurkha soldiers who were being left on the scrap heap by the British government.
As you will see here the government just can't help but spin and play games with people.
This government has played fast and loose with the British way of life, by trying to ethnically cleanse Britain by allowing millions of foreigners into the country in a hope of dragging the country down to a third world level.
It would make it easier to join the European super state whilst also drive down wages and effectively allow a slave trade of people in the labour market.
But the Gurkha's who were willing to die for this country were treated like animals and allowed to just rot in Nepal at the end of their service.
Last year the government lost a high court battle.
Part of the agreement was that Joanna Lumley would not make any press announcements until the actual details were sorted.
So what does Labour do?
They now attack Joanna Lumley for being silent.
Beggars belief but that is the line of attack.
As the government try to find another way out of giving money to the Gurkhas.
They are quite happy to fund muslim extremists who want to destroy the country but not to pay for the retirement needs of a people who would do and die for this country..

Gordon Brown deliberately lies again on Immigration

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has “unacceptably fiddled” immigration figures in a speech on the topic, according to think tank Migrationwatch UK.
In a podcast on Friday 26 March, Mr Brown said: “Some people talk as if net inward migration is rising. In fact, it is falling, down from 237,000 in 2007, to 163,000 in 2008, to provisional figures of 147,000 last year.”
According to an analysis by Migrationwatch UK’s chairman, Sir Andrew Green, “the clear intention was to produce a series of figures which looked like a decline even if they were not of the same kind.
“In fact immigration in 2009 could well be higher than in 2008 although nobody, including the Prime Minster, can yet know.
“This amounts to fiddling the figures for presentational purposes and is completely unacceptable, especially on such a sensitive subject,” Sir Andrew said.
An earlier report by the same think tank condemned the Liberal Democrats’ immigration policy which it said was “no better than the Government’s open door immigration policy that has seen the biggest wave of immigration in our history.”
“As an immigration policy, [Lib Dem ideas] would be disastrous,” said MigrationwatchUK. “It would simply store up trouble for the future as our island became ever more crowded. “

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

And the Lucky Winner to have this"Barbaric Practise " on their doorstep will be between..the good people of Carmarthenshire and Neath.

AN industrial park that could create 1,500 jobs is on the cards for a site in Carmarthenshire or Neath.
The managing director of Halal Industries UK told the Post the company hoped to bring a £150 million Super Halal Industrial Park (Ship) to the area as soon as possible, with Carmarthenshire or Neath Port Talbot its preferred site.
Mahesh Jayanarayan said 1,500 jobs would be created by the park, with a further 1,500 created indirectly.
"Our ideal place would be in Carmarthenshire or Neath," he said.
"We have met with the Welsh Development Authority (WDA), and they have been very helpful and supportive.
"We are in discussions with a number of people, and we are very confident we will get this project off the ground as soon as possible."
Mr Jayanarayan said the park would include the key areas of meat processing, dairy, pharmaceuticals and food additives.
"We want easy access to the M4," he said.
"We have had a very good reception from the business community, the local councils and the WDA. I am very happy.
"It is now about the choice of land, but it is about getting planning permission and getting consent."
President of Neath Chamber of Trade Keith Harding said he would welcome such a business with open arms — providing it was set up in the right spot.
"I would encourage them to come to the Neath Port Talbot area, because any extra jobs being created out there would be more than welcome," he said.
It is believed Llanelli is also being considered as a possible site.
Llanelli MP Nia Griffith said she hoped the company would buy meat from Welsh farmers.
"Any enterprise which is going to be using local produce and providing local jobs is very much to be welcomed," she said.
"I would like to see it set up locally.
"If they want to set up near the motorway, there are two obvious sites — Dafen or Cross Hands."
Llanelli town Mayor John Jenkins said he was keeping his fingers crossed that Halal Industries UK would come to the town.
"A jobs boost on that scale would be an absolutely fantastic shot in the arm for the town, and I hope it will give opportunities to local people," he said.
"I hope the economic department at the county council supports the company in bringing it to the town."
An Assembly spokesman said: "We are aware the company has expressed an interest in investing in Wales, and have met with them to hear their proposals.
"However, these are clearly tentative proposals at their very early stages of development."
If the people of Wales think this will provide employment for them then they must think again.
Muslims will not accept the kufr or infidel near their food because they will, by their pure presence - contaminate it and it will become Haraam.
If this is given the go ahead the vast majority of jobs created will have to be allocated to Muslims !
Where will they and their families come from and where will they live ?
Where will their children go to school ?
Where will they pray ?
The UK government, the Welsh Assembly, and Local Politicians greet this development as a sign of inward investment in the UK.
Just wait until the grants run out.
The Welsh Assembly has a shameful record of handing out grants to companies that have fled as soon as the money has gone.
When this happens as it inevitably will "the industrial estate" will wind up and there will be 5000 more Muslims in the UK claiming benefits and living on our doorsteps.
Only the British National Party will oppose this development.
Only the British National Party will fight the "Islamification of Britain."

Is there anyone left in the Labour Party ?

Several Labour MPs suspended many being deselected, those quitting or being sacked.
Is there anybody left in the Labour party?
Please voter, consider who you vote for.
A vote for Labour could easily be for a MP who might end up suspended or sacked or deselected for being useless.
(Useless surely not Hywel Francis ?)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Coming Soon !

Pictured above what I believe every resident of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council would like to see.
"Councillors, Guilty Social Workers and Members of Legal and Democratic Services" of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council being brought at long last to justice.
( Illegal and Undemocratic Services is more like it.)
Hywel Francis is also there but is not in picture. ( When was the last time that he was seen anyway ? )

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Corruption at Third World Level Endemic throughout New Labour !

Gargantuan corruption on a scale normally only seen in the Third World has been revealed at the heart of the Labour Party, a new TV documentary has revealed.
The Conservative Party narrowly avoided the scandal only because a Tory MP realised that the operation by Channel 4 Dispatches programme was bogus.

The show secretly filmed a number of senior Labour MPs offering to use their influence in Government to influence legislation for private companies in return for cash.

Former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt was filmed saying that for £3000 a day she could influence legislation in favour of anyone willing to pay.

She told the undercover film crew: “If you’ve got a client who needs a particular regulation removed, then we can often package that up [for a Minister].”

Former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon promised to lead a delegation of clients to meet Ministers, and said that he wanted to turn his knowledge and contacts into “something that frankly makes money.” Mr Hoon also wanted £3000 a day for his services.
Labour MP Margaret Moran told the undercover investigators that she could call on a “girls’ gang” which included Jacqui Smith, Hazel Blears, Caroline Flint and Harriet Harman, to influence laws on behalf of private companies.

Ms Moran also said she was able to influence immigration policy on behalf of clients. Initial reports say that this shocking claim has been cut from the final edit of the programme, to be broadcast tomorrow evening.

Ex-Transport Minister Stephen Byers was captured on film saying that he had managed to save “hundreds of millions of pounds” for the transport company National Express by using his influence with his successor Lord Adonis over a rail franchise.

“So between you and I,” Mr Byers told the undercover investigator, “I then spoke to Andrew Adonis, the Transport Secretary, and said, ‘Andrew, look, they’ve got a huge problem. Is there a way out of this?’ And then we, we sort of worked together — basically, the way he was comfortable doing it and you have to keep this very confidential yourself.”

Mr Byers also said that he had stepped in after Lucy Neville-Rolfe, the corporate and legal affairs chief at Tesco, rang him to say she was concerned about new food labelling rules being proposed by the Government.

“So you ring [Business Secretary] Peter Mandelson and say, ‘Peter, did you know what [Environment Secretary] Hilary Benn’s about to do? He’s going to introduce a regulation which is going to have this huge nightmare in every supermarket’.”

Mr Byers also boasted that he could arrange for Tony Blair to attend any events that companies might require.

“I see Tony Blair every month and you’ll probably find a lot of your clients really quite like him. If there’s an event… we could have a word with Tony, say come along for a drink,” Mr Byers said.
A number of Tory MPs were also invited to attend sessions with the fake consultancy set up by the Channel 4 team.

Most accepted, but one of them, Julie Kirkbridge, became suspicious that the consultant she met was not genuine.
Ms Kirkbridge then warned the Conservative whips who in turn forbade any other Tory MPs from attending the meeting.

One Conservative MP who does appear in the show is Bournemouth MP Sir John Butterfill. Reports also say that another Tory MP sent a “slightly embarrassing” email response.

The Actions of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council "In the Spotlight." Once Again !

'I can't believe the result of council house transfer vote'
A RENEGADE councillor is questioning the result of a ballot that saw tenants vote in favour of handing over their homes to a new landlord.
More than 9,300 houses and flats will be transferred from Neath Port Talbot Council to a not-for-profit organisation called NPT Homes, once a timetable has been agreed with the Assembly.
But the council's Dyffryn representative Martyn Peters has written to Deputy Housing Minister Jocelyn Davies, posing a series of questions and raising his concerns about the outcome of the ballot.
He is one of a small number of county councillors to publicly oppose the transfer.
"I have spoken to a lot of people and not one of them voted in favour of the transfer and they just cannot believe the result," Councillor Peters told the Post.
"Not once in the last nine months has anyone come up to me to say they supported it.
"This doesn't sit easy with me. There's something amiss, and quite a few people are saying the same thing."
It's all to do with the Assembly's Welsh Housing Quality Standard. Neath Port Talbot argued it would need to spend £152 million bringing its homes up to scratch when it only had £40 million.
As a result of the ballot — which backed the transfer by 3,600 votes to 2,758 — the council says there will be a programme of repairs and improvements worth £152 million in the first six years and £694 million over 30 years.
As well as questioning the result, Councillor Peters has also complained that the ballot was unfairly stacked in the council's favour.
He said the Defend Council Housing protest group was denied the names and addresses of tenants so it could discuss the transfer with them.
"If this was an election then all parties would have a copy of the electoral register," he said.
"The council said it was concerned about vulnerable tenants, but if this was a true democratic process then it could have put our literature in with its mailings.
But the council had to get this decision, no matter what."
( I agree totally with these sentiments. Kevin )
Neath Port Talbot said the ballot was run by Electoral Reform Services (ERS), a highly respected independent organisation.
"The transfer ballot was run independently," said a council spokeswoman. "ERS is not connected with the Government, the council or the borough's new landlord, NPT Homes.
"At no time during the ballot process were tenants' individual votes seen or discussed with Neath Port Talbot Council or with NPT Homes.
"During the ballot ERS had a record of which tenants had voted and which tenants had not, but Neath Port Talbot Council and NPT Homes did not know at any time during the process how an individual tenant had voted or if in fact they did vote."
She said ERS' security features ensured the integrity of ballots it ran were not compromised.
"Every ballot paper had a unique bar code reference to ensure that no ballot paper was used more than once," she said.
"Telephone, text and internet voters had a unique reference number and any attempt to vote more than once would have been detected and prevented by ERS."
What I find even more disturbing is that I was approached by some "Front Line Council House Workers " who stated that they HAVE ALREADY BEEN TOLD who is to remain with NPTCBC and who is to be transferred to the new organisation NPT Homes !
How can this be the case as the results of the ballot are not even in yet !
Has the result of the ballot already been decided by NPTCBC before the event ?
Is the vote fixed ?
If this is true then serious questions need to be asked.
It looks like that I am not alone in my suspicions.
Related links

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Tony Blair should be in jail and not profiting from his illegal war in Afghanistan

Tony Blair has earned “hundreds of thousands of pounds” from a lucrative contract with oil company UI Energy, one of the biggest investors in post-war Iraq’s oilfields.
Details of Mr Blair’s dealings have emerged after his frantic attempts to keep them secret ended after they were published by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACBA).
The news has dealt another blow to the British people’s confidence in the honesty of their public servants and institutions, as the ACBA had allowed Mr Blair to keep the deal secret for at least 20 months.
The ACBA, set up to vet the jobs of former ministers in order to ease public concerns about their use of contacts made in public service for financial gain, is packed with former politicians from all of the three Westminster political parties and their associates.
It is therefore not surprising that they have never prevented any former politicians from taking lucrative jobs in the private sector. Earlier this month, the Government rejected calls for the appointment of more committee members from outside the world of politics.
Mr Blair is known to have made in excess of £20 million since leaving Westminster in 2007, although many of his business dealings and other ventures are clouded in secrecy, so the true extent of his earnings can only be guessed at.
However, many of his lucrative deals can be traced directly to his actions in involving Britain in the illegal Iraqi war.
Not bad for the leader of a ’socialist’ political party of the champagne variety which managed to bankrupt Britain and ruin the prosperity of the British people.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Labour's betrayal of our Youth.

THOUSANDS of jobless youngsters are being kept off official unemployment statistics by getting just four weeks part-time work under a Government scheme.
Firms are being paid £300 for giving 18 to 24-year-olds a brief stint of work under the Government’s “Young Person’s Guarantee”.
Firms give young people one or two months training.
They then work with JobCentre Plus to get participants into jobs that last at least 16 hours a week for a minimum four weeks As long as the four weeks begin within 13 weeks of training ending, providers are paid £300 for each youngster for securing a “successful job outcome”.
But Ben Robinson, of campaign group Youth Fight for Jobs, said: “This is appalling, but in line with other policies Labour claims will help unemployed young people.
“It provides mostly minimum wage work placements.”
And Joyce Moseley, of youth charity Catch 22, said: “Many young we work with struggle to keep their heads above water.
Offering them something so peripheral is damaging.”

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Survey reveals MPs demoralised by public scorn following expenses scandal

ONE in four MPs would not go into politics if they were starting their careers again, according to a new poll that lifts the lid on low morale at Westminster.
More than 80% of those surveyed said they were now seen as “hate figures” by the public in the wake of the expenses scandal.
Almost three-quarters (72%) said the General Election would do nothing to neutralise the impact of the expenses row on the public image of MPs, and the program reveals many politicians feel angry, powerless and overwhelmed by unrealistic demands from their constituents.
There is also evidence that some MPs may be turning to the bottle to help deal with the stress of their position, with almost four in 10 saying that they “always” or “often” exceed the recommended weekly alcohol limit.
However, 58% of those questioned said they got “a lot” of satisfaction from their work and 21% said they could not imagine being happier doing anything else – compared to 4% who reported feeling only “a little” and 17% “some” satisfaction.
More than 140 MPs have announced that they are standing down at the coming election – a record in modern times.
Many of them have been damaged by revelations about their expense claims, but others said they were simply no longer willing to put up with the public scorn that followed revelations of excessive allowances.
More than half (51%) of the MPs questioned said that the media were “ruining politics.”

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

" Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign."

Is now Worldwide !

Monday, 15 March 2010

Does anyone in Hywel Francis Office know what they are doing ? Don't think so.

PRESS release of the week comes from Mair Francis, who works in the office of Labour MP for Aberavon Hywel Francis.
Ms Francis issued a release last Tuesday that was... well, completely blank.

And then quickly followed it up with a message saying: “Francis, Mair, would like to recall the message.” Presumably just in case any newspaper printed it.
(Unrelated fact: Ms Francis signs off her e-mails “Mair Francis MSc”. You’d think she’d be able to master such technology.)

Hywel Francis (Lab, Aberavon) employs Mair Francis (wife) as a Senior Parliamentary Assistant. Salary Unknown !


Sunday, 14 March 2010

The only way to clear the internet of perverts: bring back the death penalty for murder.

The sad and brutal truth is that the internet has ushered in a golden era for paedophiles.
You can warn your children all you like about the dangers of internet chat with strangers.
You can limit the hours they spend alone in their room, monitor their army of Facebook friends and treat every chat-room they enter as if they are playing in busy traffic.
And it will not make any difference.
Because they will still be kids, looking for validation and friendship and romance.
And the abusers of children will still be out there, anonymous in the virtual jungle, looking for fresh, easy meat.

Ten years ago, Ashleigh Hall would not have been murdered and dumped in a ditch by a pervert she met on Facebook.
Ten years ago, Ashleigh would have struggled with the torments of adolescence alone in her room – without internet access to make her feel better.
Ten years ago, she would never have met serial rapist Peter Chapman, (pictured above) because he would never have got near such a young and painfully vulnerable girl.
But the magic of that computer lets every lonely, awkward kid feel as though they have the social life of Paris Hilton.
For a hardened sex offender like Chapman, that computer offers everything he could possibly want to satisfy his sickest dreams, including easy access to a limitless supply of gullible children under the venal cloak of anonymity.
In grim reality Chapman is a bald, middle-aged weirdo who any child would run a mile from if he approached them in a park.
But he posted a picture of himself on Facebook looking like a boyband hunk and he was believed.
Five million British teenagers use Facebook. It is the modern equivalent of hanging around the chip shop, or the bus stop.
It is what kids do and it puts them in direct contact with men who only a generation ago would have had to keep their sick cravings in the shadows.
Chapman, we now learn, was in contact with almost 3,000 teenagers before alighting on poor young Ashleigh.
And such is the smoke and mirrors quality of the internet that even when he met Ashleigh, serial rapist Chapman was able to put her at ease by pretending to be the father of the non-existent boyband hunk.
And then she died. Before she ever had a life, or even her first date.
Dead in a ditch because of a creep she met through the wonders of modern technology.
Ashleigh was tragically unlucky.
The victim could have been any one of those 3,000 that Chapman tried to seduce online.
It could have been your child. It could have been mine.
And the problem of the abusers of children turning the internet into their happy hunting ground will not go away.
To my seven-year-old, the net is as unremarkable as running water or electricity. She has grown up with it. She presses a button, and expects it to be there.
By the time she is a teenager, social networking sites will be what the club, the disco or the dancehall were to previous generations.
Meeting someone on the internet is going to become as natural as getting a phone number from someone you met on Saturday night dancing under the plastic palm trees.
The Peter Chapmans will never go away.
We have to live with that. But right now they are completely unafraid.
We are insane if we live with that.
Our children need protection from the perverts and protection from themselves.
Chapman has got 35 years inside.
But any criminologist, psychologist or police officer will tell you the same thing – the likes of Chapman do not change.
So he will live a comfy life at the taxpayers’ expense and the same sick stuff will always be in his head.
He will die of old age in his bed.
And long out of prison by then – because these sentences are always shorter than advertised.
Any civilised society that truly cared about the welfare of its children would simply put Peter Chapman to sleep.
Humanely, painlessly to sleep – an infinitely more peaceful death than the one he inflicted on young Ashleigh, raped and murdered and dumped in a ditch like a piece of trash before she ever had her first boyfriend.
You want to know how to control the abusers of children who patrol the internet?
Bring back the death penalty for murder.
It is all right telling our ­children to be afraid of ­strangers.
But it is high time that the ­strangers learned to be afraid of the parents.
To view the BNP's policies on Crime and Justice

Questions that residents are asking about Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Why are council house tenants who have declared their intention to vote NO for the transfer of housing stock NOT receiving voting papers?
One resident quoted 30 names of residents who have NOT received voting papers.
Are Council officials more concerned with the outcome of their pension than the interests of residents?
This applies to pending cuts and the transfer of housing stock.
Will the number of councillors be reduced?
With no council tenants they will perhaps have less responsibilities.
What is going happen to the council care homes?
What is being done about the rat problem in Neath?
Residents have noticed lots of rats at night in certain areas of the town. Rubblish and litter is not helping matters. One councillor reports that the workforce clearing litter in a specific area has been reduced from 9 workmen to 3 workmen.
What is being done to clean up the town of Neath?
Residents claim that Neath is a disgrace to the Council. In particular the amount of chewing gum on the walkways is appalling.
Is it true that the council's investment loss to all Banks and institutions is more like £80Million rather than just the reported £20Million with the Icesave Bank? Is the true figure being kept from the public?
Are council officials giving preferential treatment (for improvements) to areas covered by Labour councillors - are they being fair?
Was the Gwyn Hall covered for fire insurance? Or are council tax payers paying for the repair costs? The same question applies to the Afan Lido.
If any MP or Councillor can answer these questions we will be pleased to inform residents.
The longer these questions remain unanswered the more residents will become dissatisfied. No doubt they will express their dissatisfaction at forthcoming elections.

Source the excellent Neath Ferret

I elected I will call for an immediate independent investigation in the runnings of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.


Thursday, 11 March 2010

Wales Office's £100,000 first class travel bill.

"South African Terrorist, alleged bank robber and hider of the missing £103,000 Peter Hain " enjoys himself at taxpayers expense.
MINISTERS and civil servants at the Wales Office have spent almost £100,000 on first class travel over the past year, figures showed tonight.
Welsh Secretary Peter Hain said ministers had spent £12,136 while civil servants at a range of grades accounted for £86,671 – a total of £98,807.
It means the department – which has just 60 staff and two ministers – spent £270.70 a day on first class travel over the past 12 months.
In a written parliamentary answer to shadow Treasury chief secretary Phillip Hammond, Mr Hain said workers travelled between offices in England and Wales.
"As the Wales Office operates on split sites both in Cardiff and London, ministers and staff need to travel between offices in the conduct of their duties," the Welsh Secretary said.
"All official travel by ministers and civil servants is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the ministerial code and the civil service management code."
Standard class off-peak return tickets between London and Wales cost £74, with some available at £60.70.
Off-peak first class tickets for the same journey cost £166.
Standard class anytime return tickets cost £183, with the first class version priced at £284.
No doubt in the eyes of the "corrupt and greedy political elite" they can see nothing wrong with this massive waste of taxpayers money.
No doubt the electorate can.
Vote BNP!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

NOT PAINFUL?: Halal slaughter on a street in Pakistan. Now it has come to a primary school in Blackburn.

A SCHOOL in Blackburn has become the first state school in Britain to receive accreditation for serving Halal food.
Daisyfield Primary is the first non-Muslim school to get the certificate from the Halal Monitoring Committee which enforces strict checks on the killing, preparation, packaging and delivery of animals.
Halal is the ritual method of slaughter practised under Islam and it has been criticised by animal welfare organisations who claim it causes severe suffering to the animals as they are left to bleed to death without pre-stunning.
While campaigners point out that a cow will take up to two minutes to bleed to death under Halal, the Muslim Council of Britain argues that it provides a quick haemorrhage with no time for the animal to feel pain.
This claim has angered the Farm Animal Welfare Council which published a report that concluded the way Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.
It responded “This is a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn’t suffer is quite ridiculous.”
Daisyfield’s changeover to Halal has upset local residents.
One told the local newspaper that the move will force children to eat Halal meat, while another said it was further proof of the Islamification of Britain.
Where a £150m, 100 acre ‘super halal industrial park’,is coming to South Wales.
They won't tell us where.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

"Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign."

Twelve years ago a sick young girl celebrated her 12th birthday in her hospital bed in America with her loving mother and grandfather at her side.

To cover up for medical negligence in the UK she was to be "kidnapped " by scum from Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council on the instructions of Mr Colin Preece the former "Head of Social Services.

The kidnappers names are Julie Rzezniczek and Alison Paisley.

This is the truth.

The "Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign " has the evidence and will be releasing it into the public domain within the next few weeks.

This is Britain Today.

Injunctions get taken out against innocent parents and families.

Even though they have the evidence they are "gagged."

The guilty are protected, the innocent and their children are abused.





There is no question that they are guilty.

Councillor Kevin Edwards,

BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Aberavon


After 13 years in power let's look at what New Labour have managed to do.

Ballot Boxes have been interfered with.
The criminal courts are corrupt.
Injunctions are issued to protect the guilty of their crimes by supressing evidence.
Voting registers have gone missing.
You can be put in prison for 42 days just on suspicion.
Your children are monitored at school by political officers.
Your children's behaviour is logged on a state database for their entire lives.
Innocent peoples fingers prints, iris scans and DNA can be held by the state.
You do not have the right to remain silent.
You are being watched by 4 million CCTV cameras.
It is illegal to photograph the police.
The media is controlled by the state.
Your travel movements are logged and monitored.
Your Emails and telephone calls are recorded by the state.
£22,500 of debt for every child born in Britain.
There has been 111 tax rises.
£100,000,000 drained from British pension funds.
Gun crime up 57%.
Violent crime up 70 %.
The highest proportion of children living in workless households anywhere in Europe.
The number of pensioners living in poverty up by 100.000.
The only G7 country with zero growth this year.
Child poverty rising annually.
Hospital acquired infections killing three times more people than are killed on the roads.
Britain has fell from 4th to 13th in world competitiveness, from 8th to 24th in world education ranking in maths, from 7th to 17th in literacy.
Fatal stabbings are at an all time high.
Illegal immigrant prisoners released and never deported.
7 Million people without an NHS Dentist.
Substantial tax rises for working people set for after the election.
The 10p tax rate abolished.
Gold reserves sold for a quarter of their worth.
Our armed forces overstretched and grossly under supplied.
Profitable post offices closed.
The highest rate of family breakdown in Europe.
Personal details lost.
A promised referendum denied.
Smokers Banned from smoking.
No wonder Gordon Brown told Labour party activists not to canvass on Labour's record in Government !

Sunday, 7 March 2010

It is no wonder that Local Schools are being closed.

The Government has cut funding to British universities by £398 million while increasing spending on the Afghanistan conflict to £3 billion per year — a move which effectively denies British people educational opportunities in order to wage an illegal foreign war.

All across Britain, the effects of the decades of Tory and Labour underfunding of our educational system are starting to bite.
Rather than invest in British people, Gordon Brown last month announced ”the introduction of a wider choice of foreign internship schemes, making it easier for businesses in the UK to bring over the brightest and best graduates from around the globe, from spring 2010.”

In other words, ignore the British people; bring in more foreign workers.
And to make sure British people have no chance, cut the education budget at the same time in the name of “domestic expenditure cuts.”

Business secretary Lord Mandelson recently announces a cut in university funding in England of £398 million for 2010–11.

The Russell Group, which represents 20 universities in Britain, responded by warning: “It has taken more than 800 years to create one of the world’s greatest education systems, and it looks like it will take just six months to bring it to its knees.”

Meanwhile, Tories, Labour and now even the Lib-Dems have committed themselves to staying in Afghanistan and even intensifying the conflict there — despite the costs of that conflict rising to around £3 billion per year.

When that is added to the £8 billion foreign aid budget spend, it can be seen that the Government is spending over 20 times the education budget cuts on wars and foreign aid — nothing short of a national disgrace.

The Tories have an identical policy of increasing foreign aid and making “domestic budget cuts” so there is no succour to be found in that party.

Only the British National Party seeks to halt all foreign wars and foreign aid.

A BNP government will invest this money into the educational system so that British people are afforded the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to keep this nation running.

It is time that the British people were put first.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

People need to stop hoping for Cameron or Brown to change their politics.

Geert Wilders arrives in Britain today to show his Fitna movie to MP's and Lords.
Wilders party scored major gains in Dutch elections and he could be set to take the role of Prime Minister in the June elections, which clearly demonstrates how much of a pain the current criminal politicians have caused with their pathetic multicultural program and their preparedness to put the indigenous peoples of Europe last when it comes to democracy, rights or freedom.

People need to stop hoping for Cameron or Brown to change their politics.

The fact is, they simply don't have the principles or the commitment to this country which would propel them or anyone else into power with the majority of people behind either of them as long as they believed they were acting in the country's interest rather than their own.

They all have a passion for globalism, multiculturalism, global economics and anything to smash Britain and its people.
All they ever talk about are 'others' and the majority of people are on to them hopefully just as they are in Holland.

America is the same with the Tea Party Convention and a rise of 244% in patriotism there, which is showing just like Holland, that people are ready to take power back to the people and will remove the political shambles made by non-representative and placed professionals who have ignored them for too long.
BNP for the British people.
End of Story!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Make up your own minds.

This is in the public domain.

This raises serious questions.
Why has the completely biased press not picked up on this story ?

Is the whole Judicial System geared up to protect and cover up for " Paedophiles ? "
It is obvious that they are protecting their own !
"Please God we know the daughter of Linda Lewis has been abused and denied her basic human rights.".
"We have the evidence."
How much further do they want to take it ?
"Justice for Linda Lewis."
Quite simply Linda Lewis and her family are victims of a "vicious and sick perverted evil." that Neath Port Talbot Social Services are a part of and have relished their role in this perversion.
They will answer for it.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

‘Gulag of the Family Courts’ and “Child Stealing by the State”. "Justice for Linda Lewis is coming soon." Injunctions or not. We are ready !

In Britain today, a secret court system is stealing and trafficking people’s children.

The author Jack Frost summed it up in his book ‘Gulag of the Family Courts.’
Other journalists have described it as … “Child Stealing by the State."
When a small community newspaper, ‘the UK Column’, was set up in Plymouth to expose massive public sector fraud and corruption, the volunteers had no idea of what was to come.
They were shocked at reports of child stealing sent in by parents from across Britain.
In the beginning it was hard to accept some stories as true.

Some mothers and fathers appeared traumatised.
Could their claims be believed?
Then the first mother with evidence arrived in the UK Column office.
Ring files of letters, emails and court documentation.
The evidence was overwhelming – lies, false evidence, perjury, false psychiatric assessments, kidnapping, psychological pressure, police threats, blatant collusion of defence and prosecution legal teams against the parent, failure to prosecute the perpetrators of medical incompetence and child abuse, and blatant victimisation of the innocent parent – the mother.
The mother that Brian Gerrish refers to lives in the Port Talbot area of South Wales.

I have witnessed the evidence, the Perjury - even by most Senior Local Authority Officials, corrupt Judges, the gagging of Elected County Councillors, the gagging of the mother by Royal Court of Justice Judges and the gagging of anyone linked with this case.( And so have I several times by NPTCBC in a desperate attempt to cover up their crimes - Kevin.)
This mother took her then twelve years old daughter to America following medical blunders in South Wales hospitals.
Local Authority Social Workers followed them to a Florida hospital and kidnapped the child at gunpoint from her hospital bed.


Without a relevant pick up order, the child was taken away from her family and returned to the UK under a false passport..

Senior Paediatricians, Politicians and Judges ensures till this day that the child is never reunited with her mother.

This is due to change as the evidence will be released soon.

Thanks to the internet.

Plus all the evidence is documented by friends and supporters of the "Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign."

The "Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign."

Monday, 1 March 2010

Is the ballot for Council House transfer likely to be fixed ?

The following is a copy of a comment that I left on the following link .

The comment that I made is as a result of speaking to local people who have expressed their concerns to me.Therefore I have decide to ask the question.

"Over the last few months some very serious points have been brought to my attention regarding the way that NPTCBC seems to work.

Firstly many people who are opposed to the transfer of Council Housing into the private sector are having difficulty in receiving their ballot papers.

There seems to be even more of a problem for those Council Tenants who have "No" posters in their windows.

A significant number of Council Tenants have expressed concern that they will be denied the right to vote "NO" by the last day 16th of March as they simply cannot get ballot papers sent to them !

This I find deeply disturbing.

What I find even more disturbing is that I was approached by some "Front Line Council House Workers " who stated that they HAVE ALREADY BEEN TOLD who is to remain with NPTCBC and who is to be transferred to the new organisation NPT Homes !

How can this be the case as the results of the ballot are not even in yet !

Has the result of the ballot already been decided by NPTCBC before the event ?

Is the vote fixed ?

If this is true then serious questions need to be asked.

Personally I wonder if NPTCBC will use their usual trick of placing an injunction on me to stop me speaking out against them as they did with the "Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign" ?

Why are they afraid of the truth ?

Nothing to hide then nothing to fear surely."

Councillor Kevin Edwards,

BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Aberavon

Fears over a third of council jobs in Wales

The Secretary Of State for Wales pictured enjoying the good life.
A warning has been sounded that almost one in three council jobs in Wales may be cut in the next few years.

With about one in four workers in Wales in the public sector, there are fears the financial crisis could hit harder.

One leading expert in local authority finance said the "worst case scenario" could lead to a reduction in jobs of between 15 - 30% as budgets fall.

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) has described this as the most difficult financial period in 50 years.

BBC Wales has contacted all 22 Welsh county and borough councils.

Some, like Neath Port Talbot, said no compulsory redundancies were planned, but 750 posts will need to go over the next four years.

With 80% of local authority spend being on average workforce spend, then there's some inevitability that with a deficit of 25 - 30% you are going to have to look at your workforce
Lynn Hine, PriceWaterhouseCoopers

The WLGA has already forecast that 2,000 to 4,000 council jobs could go, with some over three to four years.

"We have done some analysis and we estimate that something in the range of 15 - 30% of workforce levels could be the worst case scenario."

In Wales, about a quarter of the workforce are in the public sector, which compares with about a fifth in England.
There is plenty of money for illegal wars, MP's expenses and funding the "Multi-cultural experiment" and the foreign aid budget is to be increased from £8 billion to £14 billion but when it comes to local jobs and local services there is nothing !
Enjoy your champagne Peter while you can.
