Sunday 29 January 2012

Labour MP Sian James supports Child Abuse and Child Suicides.So does Swansea City Council and the the South Wales Evening Post.

Above, you will find the talk by Brian Gerrish in Swansea on 26th January. He starts off by speaking about the shameful behaviour of the thugs outside.
Below is the totally ludicrous and completely inaccurate report on Brian's meeting that appeared in the despicable South Wales Evening Post on Saturday 28th January 2012.
It is no surprise that their report was not posted on the South Wales Evening Post website so that this fabricated account of events could be passed on to a wider audience.
They appear to be happy to have this article read by a few thousand " gullible fools " who still put their hands into their pockets to remove 45p of their money to support this increasingly failing newspaper.
That is their choice but my advice to them is this. Toilet paper is cheaper.
This is their report.
Some 40 anti-fascist campaigners including a Swansea MP protested outside a meeting they claimed had links to far-right splinter groups.
The meeting at the Samlet Social Club Llansamlet on Thursday was organised by former BNP member Kevin Edwards but he denied the event was political.
" The meeting is about trying to prevent children committing suicide it has nothing to with politics. " He said
Another attendee said he was a Labour voter.
Swansea East MP Sian James joined the protest organised by United Against Fascism and the NUS.
A spokesman for Mrs James said the meeting was organised by people connected to the far right Sian was there to protest but not to try to stop it going ahead.
No mention whatsoever of Brian Gerrish who's meeting it was, The British Constitution Group, Lawful Rebellion or the UK Column Newspaper all are completely non political.
Incredible,absolutely incredible.
The newspaper article and the personal verbal attacks ( mob chanting of gutter levels ) was 100% aimed at myself.
A fact that is completely endorsed by Brian himself and the many supporters of the "Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign " who attended as well the vast majority of the audience of around 60 + people who braved the intimidation of these "State Sponsored Lunatics."
So why me ?
I was at the meeting purely as a member of the public. The room was booked months ago by the UK Column.
My only involvement was to volunteer as a local contact should any questions or problems arise and advertise Brian's meeting on this blogspot and to send out invitations to those I thought might have been interested in attending.
The real reason for the attacks on myself can be read by clicking HERE
An invite was extended to Sian James to attend the meeting on the night. She declined.
If I was a Member of Parliament and people were telling me that children were being abused and being systematically driven to commit suicide by the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming I would want to attend.
It does seem to be common practise these days that elected Labour Party Officials do not like it when ordinary people get together to protest at what corrupt politicians are inflicting on them without their consent.
Take for example Carmarthenshire Council Leader Meryl Gravell who labelled a group of around 300 protesters "RABBLE" for turning up to voice their concerns over the threatened closure of the A & E department at Llanelli Hospital.Click HERE for the full story. Labour Party Assembly Member and First Minister Carwyn Jones was also in attendance and was to speak at the event regarding the closure of the A & E department.
Carwyn Jones is another politician who has been presented with all the evidence regarding the "Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign." He stays silent, will not reply to letters and emails, breaks his own Ministerial Code which promises a reply within 17 days.  
The South Wales Evening Post and it's editor Spencer Feeney have for a long time covered up for Child Abuse locally in South Wales. Specifically the case of Linda Lewis.
The editor Spencer Feeney has consistently aided this cover up and allowed this abuse of power to continue.
Click on the following links to read the articles and comments that prove this.
Now I turn to Swansea City Council.
Why on earth would one of their representatives believed to be called Kevin Davies who is allegedly from Legal Services call the Samlet Club 2 hours before Brian's meeting was due to start to demand that the meeting be cancelled by stating quite falsely that " Brian Gerrish is a member of the Far Right National Front." I can only assume desperation on their part.
I am sure that Brian and his legal team and his newspaper the UK Column will be having a lot of fun with these jokers very shortly.
Two van loads of police were also transported in from Bridgend to keep the peace at tax payers expense.
Very encouragingly many of us spoke to them and they were all aware of who Brian Gerrish was and knew about the " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign." Much encouragement was offered regarding Linda's case which backs up what is happening throughout the country.
Many good honest police officers are providing all of us with information on what is really going on.
The rank and file realise that their bosses in the force are not real policemen but politically appointed "Common Purpose" graduates who are quite happy to operate outside of the law.
Finally everyone's thanks go out to the Samlet Club for allowing the event to take place and in particular "Dai the Manager" who for three days had to fend off threatening phone calls from "scum" who desperately wanted this perfectly legal and peaceful meeting to be cancelled.
Enough pints were paid for by a grateful audience and put "on tap" to ensure that Dai will not be paying for a pint for a while.


Dereck Hammond said...

This was not all down to the UAF and the grubby students.

David Phillips the Labour leader for Swansea Council and MP Sian James were at the forefront of the agitation egging the rest of them on.

The statement given by someone from Sian James office is a downright lie.

Sian James was there purely to cause trouble.

This woman is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Sian James should know better.

She has embarrassed herself over this fiasco.

Shame on her.

Anonymous said...

South Wales as Brian Gerrish has correctly stated is a cesspit of corruption riddled with perverts, pedophiles and child abusers in Public Office.

One day we will hunt them down.

Anonymous said...

South Wales as Brian Gerrish has correctly stated is a cesspit of corruption riddled with perverts, pedophiles and child abusers in Public Office.

One day we will hunt them down.

Anonymous said...

Well done Kevin you are an inspiration.

Top Man


Anonymous said...

I an convinced the one of the reasons that this " Band of Lunatics" were summoned was to silence yourself and Brian.

Social Services in NPT and Swansea are now almost interlinked.

The sacking of the sadistic Julie Rzezniczek must be making a lot of the " Satanics" sleep very uncomfortably at night.

Good Work

Anonymous said...

Sian James MP is a liar.
The corrupt Swansea Family Courts, Judge Parry, and the abuse of children in care has been fully explained to her.
She and David Phillips were there for a purpose to prevent the truth.
Just wait until the women in that mob outfit will have their babies stolen by Sian and David's associates.
By associates I also mean the terrorists dressed in black representing the Crown who were there to protect the abusers from the abused from talking about their abuse.

Anonymous said...

is sian james one of them

ex director of women's aid who supply many of the victims to the family courts.

some of the women they help do not realise that they themselves are victims and that their children will be a crop that will be reaped by future social workers as is happening now.

DV or just allegations of it in the household when you were a child means your children can be taken away as being at risk of future harm - vulnerable women have been conned for years by these nazis - hitler did but even he was not clever enough to set up the family courts.

Anonymous said...

You will find that this Labour25 link says it all.

Whilst reading the content of the above link, I am reminded of former Gower MP Gareth Wardell and his poor victims in Trinity College, Carmarthen.
Those around in that era will probably remember the scandal As well as the infamous public conveniences in the Cross Hands area.

Disgusting I know; but locally it will take years and years to forget.
Many judges, politicians and senior police officers left Pont Abraham smelling of disinfectant as a result of cleaners having to carry out airborne cleaning because bodies pressed against cubicle doorways would prevent them access.

These individuals would now be sitting on quangos propping up their pensions.
Forestry Commission perhaps or even Health Boards?????????????

PS Cannot find a libdem25 link yet, nor libcon25.

Anonymous said...

Sian James MP have showen just how much she cares for Children by refusing to be part of the meeting regarding child abuse.

instead she decided to waste taxpayers money by arranging a protest and involving the police shameful behaviour.

there should be questions raised in parliment about Sian James MP why she arrange the protest.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen such disgraceful behavior as i witnessed on Thursday night.

IMO the protesters were the dregs of society.


Anonymous said...

In light of Swansea University being party to this demonstration.
It would be interesting to find out what the Principal and Governing Body has to say about supporting Child Abuse and Kidnapping.
Failing to act makes them just as responsible. Their students and activists had been used by David Phillips and Sian James.
Therefore what were the students used for - front for the policies of their University or paid as a rent a mob by David Phillips and Sian James MP.
Labour25 at work.

Anonymous said...

Sian James don't care about
children. she should be voted out!

Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting and was shocked to see a bunch of thugs protesting outside including an MP who i believe was Sian James shame on her for her thuggish behaviour

They shouted all sorts of abusive words to you Councillor Edwards when all you did was turned up at a meeting concerned about our Children well done for being there.

I was also disgusted with the Evening post article.

Anonymous said...

What did anyone expect from MP Sian James after all she is Labour

They don't want to tackle child abuse, they were in power long enough, and Labour knew all about the Linda Lewis Case, and have sat back and done nothing to help..

Anonymous said...

where was david phillips when aaron gilbert was being swung around by his ears and smashed to death.

wasn't he aware that his own head of social services mark roskowski was well aware of the problems and covered them up, just like julie rzezniczek did?

could he be bothered - he is willing to spend an evening protesting outside a lawful public meeting instead of looking into improving services within swansea - what a shower.

and these are the people who claim to stand between the people and fascists yet don't realise [or pretend not to] the fascists are behind them working in social services. Adolf used to take 'aryan' children from the east for adoption by german families.