Friday 5 August 2011

How many of it's own NUJ Guidelines has The South Wales Evening Post and it's Editor Spencer Feeney broken by remaining silent ?

With the South Wales Evening Post and it's editor Spencer Feeney seemingly admitting his/their part by their silence in aiding Neath Port Talbot Social Services to "illegally remove" or "kidnap" Linda's 12 year old daughter at gunpoint from her hospital bed in America to cover up for medical negligence in the UK.

I though it might be worth checking out the National Union of Journalist Website to see exactly what codes of conduct and guidelines our so called journalists are required to work to.

The result of the search was quite astounding.

By printing on the 12th and 13th of February 1998 the " concern for a missing child " article and their refusal to acknowledge that this article was indeed a fake and false attempt by Neath Port Talbot Social Services to erect a "smokescreen" for them to carry out their illegal deeds. It would seem that The South Wales Evening Post and it's editor Spencer Feeney have thrown away their own guidelines and moral obligations in order to accommodate the Police,Doctors and Social Services to carry out this crime and to allow this "miscarriage of justice and cover up" to continue. Shame on them.

Below is the NUJ's Code of Conduct.
 The NUJ's Code of Conduct has set out the main principles of British and Irish journalism since 1936. The code is part of the rules and all journalists joining the union must sign that they will strive to adhere to the it.
Members of the National Union of Journalists are expected to abide by the following professional principles.
A journalist.
1 - At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.
2 - Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.
3 - Does her/his utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies.
4 - Differentiates between fact and opinion.
5 - Obtains material by honest, straightforward and open means, with the exception of investigations that are both overwhelmingly in the public interest and which involve evidence that cannot be obtained by straightforward means.
6 - Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief or distress unless justified by overriding consideration of the public interest.
7 - Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the course of her/his work.
8 - Resists threats or any other inducements to influence, distort or suppress information.
9 - Takes no unfair personal advantage of information gained in the course of her/his duties before the information is public knowledge.
10 - Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.
11 - Does not by way of statement, voice or appearance endorse by advertisement any commercial product or service save for the promotion of her/his own work or of the medium by which she/he is employed.
12 - Avoids plagiarism.
13 - The NUJ believes a journalist has the right to refuse an assignment or be identified as the author of editorial that would break the letter or spirit of the code. The NUJ will fully support any journalist disciplined for asserting her/his right to act according to the code.
Having read the above I can easily pinpoint several points where the " Code of Conduct " has not applied to the actions of the South Wales Evening Post or it's Editor over what has happened to Linda, her family and her daughter.
But for the South Wales Evening Post and it's Editor there is more bad news.
Below is the NUJ Public interest clause.
Problems over media coverage often hinge on the "public interest". The Code of conduct uses the concept as a yardstick to justify publication of sensitive material.This is the NUJ's definition,drawn up by the Ethics council.
The public interest includes.

  • Detecting or exposing crime or a serious misdemeanour.

  • Protecting public health and safety.

  • Preventing the public from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organisation.

  • Exposing misuse of public funds or other forms of corruption by public bodies.

  • Revealing potential conflicts of interest by those in positions of power and influence.

  • Exposing corporate greed.

  • Exposing hypocritical behaviour by those holding high office.

  • There is a public interest in the freedom of expression itself.

  • In cases involving children, journalists must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to over-ride the normally paramount interests of the child.
    Overall it is abundantly clear the the South Wales Evening Post and it's Editor have clearly ignored the guidelines laid down by the NUJ in the interest of fair and unbiased reporting.

    The evidence that I have released is in the public interest and has been released under "Public Interest Law."
    Out of courtesy I have once again emailed this article to Mr Feeney.
    Please leave a polite comment below and let us know what your thoughts are on how the South Wales Evening Post and it's Editor have conducted themselves so far.


    Margaret said...

    Excellent article Kevin.

    "Preventing the public from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organisation."

    The EP misled the public by placing adverts that N::aSHA was missing when Social Services knew where she was safe and with her family.

    Will the now print a retraction ?

    Doubt it.


    Anonymous said...

    Public interest EH ?

    Everything about this case is "Illegal" and in the public interest.

    They should now print this story in full.

    Tony Veitch said...

    You should all read this story

    In it Spencer Feeney clearly states “I think it is unquestionably a matter of public interest that people should know the level of complaints that are being lodged against our hospitals.”

    Mr Feeney this is a similar case the root of this crime is medical negligence by Doctors and Hospitals.

    Why the double standards please.

    I have sent him an email stating the above I wonder if he will have the coutesy of replying.

    Keep Going Everyone.


    Anonymous said...

    The EP don't come out of this in a very good light do they.


    Tony Veitch said...

    This is a copy of this mornings email sent to Spencer Feeney. May I suggest that you all do the same.

    Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign‏
    From: Tony Veitch (
    Sent: 06 August 2011 11:19:26

    Dear Mr Feeney

    Good Morning to you.

    I would like to draw your attention to a recent article on regarding how many of your nuj guidelines that you have broken by not responding to this tragic and illegal cover up.

    As a former reader of your newspaper ( I stopped buying it a while ago ) as a result of your rather rude and unprofessional behaviour by not having the decency to respond to the legitimate questions posed by Councillor Edwards on behalf of the Lewis family.

    I hope that you will at least afford me the courtesy of a reply.

    May I draw your attention to the following article that was published in your newspaper regarding Medical Negligence in hospitals.

    In defence of this article you state “I think it is unquestionably a matter of public interest that people should know the level of complaints that are being lodged against our hospitals.”

    Mr Feeney this is a similar case the root of this crime is medical negligence by Doctors and Hospitals.

    The justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign deserves to be brought into the public domain.

    It most definitely is in "the public interest."

    I look forward to your urgent reply.


    Tony Veitch

    Tanya said...

    3 - Does her/his utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies.

    The missing child advert is inaccurate so then they have to apologies and put it right and it has been harmful to Linda and her family.

    No more need to be said.


    Vardre Boy said...

    Why did the Evening Post not contact the family for details BEFORE placing the bogus missing child articles in it's newspaper ?

    Strange isn't it.

    Adam said...

    Here's another one Kev.

    2 - Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate and fair.

    Enough said

    NPT Watchdog said...

    I met this SWEP editor by appointment after a solicitor representing my x-wife contacted Spencer Feeney over a article that appeared in the SWEP.
    It became obvious during my meeting with Spencer Feeney that confidential information protected by Family law was discussed between my x-partners solicitors including medical reports. After the meeting and my parenting time (one week) with my kids was over and returned back to mum, all contact to my kids was mysteriously ended. I never gave up and I have now had residence of my children for over two years. Nothing surprises me in Linda case when this Common Purpose editor is involved. This Spencer Feeney needs a wakening from his corrupted sleep - perhaps a protest outside the SWEP office in Swansea - Wonder if such a protest would make the SWEP front page? NOT!


    Anonymous said...

    They're as fair as Peter 'the bank robber' Hain! Why don't you trust them?
    Because everyone is out to make money and you never make it by being honest!


    Honest John

    Informer said...

    The Evening Post and it's Editor beyond any reasonable doubt have participated in a crime.

    DT Taibach said...

    The more I think about this it was probably done by a phone call the " Common Purpose Brotherhood " of evil banding together with their own sick and twisted agenda.

    They may think they are above the law but they are not.


    Josie said...

    South Wales certainly seems to be a hotbed of corruption doesn't it.

    This will be exposed



    Julie said...

    Look forward to Britain First getting behind this. All we need is just one HONEST person in authority and it's finished and exposed.

    Anonymous said...

    It really is quite amazing just how many people in authority are abusing their positions for their own ends and others gain while an innocent family is allowed to suffer.


    Anonymous said...

    1 - At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.

    Anonymous said...

    Very frightening how they operate and cover each other.

    What has this country turned into.


    Laura Jenkins said...

    Just been told about this post by one of the gang.

    Absolutely Brilliant Kevin how can he now justify doing nothing and staying silent.

    Perhaps we should make an appointment to meet Spencer Feeney at his office.


    Terry said...

    Ok its been proven that is was a bogus and illegal request for a missing child but hold on.

    Here's the thing.

    Why did they never report that the child was safe ?

    Is it because they already knew where she was and was pefectly safe with her loving family ?

    Stinks doesn't it.

    Jayne said...

    Another "Common Purpose Cover Up" methinks.

    More cracks are starting to appear Kev.

    Jayne and Family

    Anonymous said...

    They might try to hold behind an injunction but it no longer applies. The evidence is held worldwide and is in the public domain.

    The UK Column was the first to print it.

    Many others have since.

    I am glad that I am not on their side with all this coming out against them what a hellish place to be.

    The Truth WILL always out.

    Anonymous said...

    In cases involving children, journalists must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to over-ride the normally paramount interests of the child.

    N@tas*a never deserved what they have all collectively done to her.

    They are all wicked.

    Anonymous said...

    Could well be an interesting week.


    Pat said...

    The Evening Post editor should be ashamed of his action's in printing lies,the Child was Not! missing she was legally out of the Country with her Mother And grandfather.I won't be buying the paper again.

    Family Friend

    Anonymous said...

    Spencer Feeney shold be made accountable. I am sure the Public and myself, would like to know why? the Paper got involved.

    Anonymous said...

    It's the responsibility of the Editor to make sure all the fact's are correct before printing.

    Neil Rodderick said...

    I am in total agreement with you Mr Edwards regarding the Evening Post in not replying their silence is an admission of GUILT.

    I have read all articles regarding the Justice For Linda Lewis Campaign.

    We parents are responsible for protecting our children. Yet? we have no control over the situation when those in power Cover-Up It's a total Cop-out to blame innocent family's for their mistakes.

    Gwyn Port Talbot said...

    I am fuming and disappointed that the Evening Post editor refused to answer questions.He should take full responsibility for printing false information,and he should be sacked.

    Anonymous said...

    I am ashamed to have bought the Evening Post after reading the evidence of this case, they have had the opportunity to speak to you and Ms Lewis and they are hiding, shame on you Evening Post!
    That’s my lot with these corrupt people, do they have the same principles as the News of the World?
    I shall let my friends and neighbours know what they have done and recommend them not to buy it.

    Best wishes and success to the Justice for Linda Lewis Campaign



    Anonymous said...

    The paper needs to explain why they took the steps to publish the Child was Missing without contacting the family.

    Anonymous said...

    Journalism of the lowest standards.

    Ron said...

    A hell of a lot is going on behind the scenes.

    Not just on here as Kevin will confirm.

    Keep posting believe me we are getting there.


    Terry said...

    Gutter press and Gutter Journalism.

    We should all start phoning and emailing Spencer Feeney.

    Should we ask for a meeting with this man to demand a response to why he didi this and to why he is staying silent ?

    Guilty or what.

    He brings his profession into serious disrepute.

    It is no wonder that his circulation figures are plumetting.

    14 people so far in Port Talbot will no longer buy his paper.

    I doubt that he cares the only thing that concerns him is saving his own skin.

    Terry Jones

    Anonymous said...

    The Evening Post should at least give a written apology to the family.

    Clive said...

    The paper should have checked the fact's before printing,and should have follwed their own Guidelines.

    I have nothing but admiration for you bringing this case to light.

    Port Talbot

    Gary Irwin said...

    Seen this web site advertised in my local shop
    Can't beleive what is going on.

    Disgusted with the evening post,won't be buying the paper again.

    Albert said...

    Look's like It's not only the Evening Post that remains SILENT.

    If they have nothing to hide may I suggest they respond immediately.

    look forward to reading their reply.

    Anonymous said...

    I spoke to Paul Lewis journalist long time ago regarding this case.

    Paul was working for the Evening Post. He was warned to keep out of this case.

    I wonder Why?

    Port Talbot

    Anonymous said...

    The EP never got to the bottom of the Aaron Gilbert story in Swansea.

    Does the EP have the relationship they should have between the EP and authorities/politicians/public paid bodies? - it should be the relationship between a dog and a lamppost.

    instead we have the similar cosy relationship which was recently exposed between the Murdoch press and london politicos.

    Anonymous said...

    Don't know who investigsted News of the World Hacking Scandle. find out and contact them maybe they will help you,because it look's like the Editor has no intention of replying to you.

    Good Luck

    Tam said...

    Only the Guilty are silent


    Elaine Jones said...

    The Press in this Country got a lot to answer for they ignore serious cases and print S..T

    If injunctions can be used to cover up serious crimes. Then it's about time they started printing the truth.

    Anonymous said...

    When a newspaper has a story to tell they go straight to the scene and get the facts from the horses mouth shall we say,

    so why write a story by the Port Talbot Council and the Port Talbot S.S ???


    Nearly amazing as Dr Rhoeman being promoted to head honcho of Port Talbot surgery mmmmm i wonder why



    Anonymous said...

    Surely this is the end of Spencer Feeney.

    Edwina Hart has covered this up as well as Jnae Hutt from day one.

    Deiw Evans is a danger to children and has been before. Is this the tip of the iceberg ?

    Keep going Kevin

    This will break

    Jack Thomas

    Delyth said...

    Just an Update Kevin

    It's 3 days since I emailed the Editor of the South Wales Evening Post politely I may add see above in the comments list.

    No reply to date.

    Anyone else wish to try his email address

    He cannot blank us for ever who do they think they are ?


    Anonymous said...

    Lord Justice Wall on appointment as President of Family Division said he wanted an open and transparent debate on the Family Courts. This blog/website is surely carrying out his wishes.

    However, his words in public differ from those he gives in court. He is willing to give orders to cover up when corruption between judges and others is at risk of coming out in the open.

    Remember how MP's wanted to keep expenses secret and debate on their terms - the only time there could be an open public debate was when the Telegraph started publishing - we the people who pay those expenses would never have known - this is the culture now among the elected and unelected.

    This case [and others] deserves public debate and the EP and other media should be leading the debate not covering up.

    Keep disclosing the evidence and if it gets sticky you are doing what LJ Wall said he wanted - open and public debate but not where he controls the agenda.

    Anonymous said...

    Read the advert in shop window in Swansea today
    I honestly thought that the Evening Post was a paper for the local people and would print the truth.Can't belevie the lies the paper has printed about the Child


    Raymond said...

    If you do the Crime you should serve the time just like ordinary folks like us the paper should not be above the Law.

    Or are they above the Law time will tell

    Port Talbot

    Close Friend said...

    I hope linda don't mind me saying the following:
    these are just some of the facts in this case.

    firstly dr Dewi Evans A peadiatrician at Singleton Hospital misdiagnosed Linda's daughter.
    (Read Councillor Edwards Article)

    illegal Operation was perforemed at Neath Hospital linda's daughter Healthy Apendix was removed.
    ( Read Councillor Edwards Article)

    If Dr Dewi Evans HAD NOT! misdiagnosed Linda's daughter.Operation at Neath would have never taken place.

    Letters written by Dr Dewi Evans prove he contacted every Hospital that the Child attended and also spoke to every doctor .Dr Dewi Evans seemed to have had preoccupation by following Linda's daughter every hospital.May I state all the hospitals were referals by the family's GP with the exception of one.

    I note Councillor Edwards has yet to print Dr Dewi Evans letters.the contents of his letters are so unprofessinal.

    GP was administrating huge dosages of Medication withouit any diagnoses.Don't forget his patient was a Child.(Sorry can't remember the family's GP name)
    ( Read Councillor Edwards Article)
    Linda and her Dad decided to take their daughter/Grandaughter to America for an independent diagnoses.I don't know or will never understand the reason for Social Services involvement.
    Knowing the family were in America this is when they panicked.I beleive the following actions were Premeditated.
    More to Follow The Evening Post involment

    Close Friend said...

    continue from my last Comment

    1. The Social Services knew where the Child was from the 29th January 1998.
    (Read councillor Keith Davies Letter)

    2. January 30th 1998, Nemours Clinic in America wrote she had received Medical Records and Court transcripts from the UK Note Date.

    3. South Wales Evening Post printed on the 12th and 13th February 1998, child Missing
    why print anything they knew that the Child was in America. The Public was given false information by the paper.
    (Read Councillor Kevin Edwards Article).

    Social Services took the Grandmother to court on the 16th of February 1998,the reason they gave for the court hearing is that the Child was Missing and the Grandmother had to disclose the whereabouts of her husband daughter and grandaughter or she would go to Prison Why?take Granmother to Court when they knew already the child was in America.

    (Read Councillor Keith Davies Letter)

    February 18th 1998, Linda's daughter was removed from a hospital bed in America and brought back to the UK on false Documents and False Passport.
    (Read Councillor Keith Davies Letter)

    On the Child's return to the United Kingdom read Dr Dewi Evans Letter,he wanted the Child admitted to Singleton hospital for two weeks under his Colleague.He advised the Child should not have any contact with the mother and her Grandparents, there should also be no telephone comunication with the child and family.

    If the Mother and Grandfather had committed any crime in taken their Daughter/Grandaughter out of the Country illegal, then surley thery would have been arrested and charged.

    It seems the main culprids in this case are Dr Dewi Evans the family's GP,Social Services, Foster Mother and the Solicitoracting fot the Child .This is only my opinion.

    I hope the Evening Post reads what I have said

    Evil beyond belief
    Gross Injustice.

    Well done Kevin forspeaking out against injustice.

    Claire said...

    What a scandalous abuse of power.

    Mr Feeney,Carwyn Jones do you not recognise us the little people.

    We have a voice.

    There are more of us than you.

    Avenging Angel said...

    Claire ( Last Posting )

    They will have to recognise us soon

    For the time being they recognise that a 12 year old girl now a woman has been both physically and mentally abused by Social Workers and Doctors.

    I wish I knew which Social Worker knocked out Nat*s**s front teeth when she was 12 whilst being held against her will.

    This has never been forgotten and it never will be.

    Anonymous said...

    How stupied was The South Wales Evening Post,
    in not doing a full investigation,to see if the information they were given was correct.

    June said...

    Evening Post should print a explantion in their paper.

    Diane said...

    the Paper was quick enough to print the Child was Missing, Never printed she was found.


    Anonymous said...

    Detecting or exposing crime or a serious one

    If this had been anyone apart from your " Common Purpose " mates you would have printed the story wouln't you Mr Feeney ?

    Thank you for protecting me and my rotten Council.


    Dereck Vaughan MEP

    Tangled is the Web said...

    Rotten and Stinking Journalism at it's lowest and most deplorable level.

    Proof as you say Kevin that the "Corporate Media Lies to You."

    People wake up back this campaign.

    Diane Jones said...

    8 - Resists threats or any other inducements to influence, distort or suppress information.

    Paul Lewis has already stated that they cannot touch this case.

    Is it because they are being threatened by those with lots to be frightened of ?

    If it is they need to look at no 8 above.

    They should rise above threats etc.


    Anonymous said...

    In my view Look's like a time bomb waiting to explode.


    Carol B said...

    Allowing Doctors, Social Workers, MP's and Assembly Members,Police to lie, falsify evidence, physically assault a 12 year old girl and so on by not exposing this the Evening Post ignores

    "Revealing potential conflicts of interest by those in positions of power and influence."

    As highlighted above.

    The Evening Post has no decency and is guilty of child abuse, mis representation and deceit.

    Smells of and is a " Common Purpose Cover Up."

    Fools if they think this can go on forever.

    It won't.

    David Richards said...

    By refusing to act the Evening Post has declared itself impotent, useless and irrelevant as a newspaper.

    Just like the News of the World it should be closed down and the shabby cowardly retards who write for it and edit it should be shown the door never to work again.

    I have studied the newspaper industry for a few years and this must be the most obvious example of non action and misrepresentation that I have come across.

    It is a disgrace that they are now without part of this terrible cover up.

    Is Spencer Feeney being bought off ?

    The earlier testimony by one of their journalists Paul Lewis seems to add this as a possibility.

    I can and would ask all contributors to this site and supporters of Miss Lewis to treat the Evening Post as a hostile organisation and refuse to buy it's newspapers ever again.

    I will be forwarding these articles to the Northcliffe Group of Newspapers who own the newspaper as well as the Daily Mail to protest about what is happening here.

    Let's hope they hold a full enquiry.


    Anonymous said...

    After 168 years,the News of the World Paper was shut down,because of the hacking scandle.

    I am amazed that no-one has recorded this scandle.

    Anonymous said...

    Spencer Feeney should be arrested and tried.

    The South Wales Evening Post shut down.

    Neither would be missed.

    Anonymous said...

    The family can be proud their commitment in fighting to expose the corrupt and the evil can only be admired.

    Anonymous said...

    When our MP's were looting Parliament [Taxpayers] the press stood by and said nothing.

    When disaffected youths loot shops the Press are out in force to help track down the culprits.

    When social workers and family courts entourage are looting families the Press say nothing.

    Who will protect the Press when they come to loot the media - the EP and other media are batting for the wrong side - shame on the EP not exposing they were misled by social workers/south wales police doing their usual dirty tricks on parents?

    Nuremberg trials said that to obey an order that is wrong you are protected by natural justice. Journalists and MP's/AM's have a more privileged position than the public yet always keep silent.

    Families will have to look after themselves and keep away from the state in whatever form.

    DT Taibach said...

    No injunction can be taken out to cover up for criminal acts.

    Trying to hide behind an injunction Mr Feeney that has proven to be fabricated, false and illegal makes you and your newspaper look very foolish.

    Cllr Edwards has proven this.If you or any of your so called journalists had any decency you would follow this up and expose it.

    Theresa, Cornwall said...

    Every day that passes without a reply from politicians and newspapers only goes to strenghen the merit on this case not that it is needed.

    As this blogspot gets emailed worldwide article by article exposes our case and brings in more support.

    But most importantly ever day that passes brings us closer to the day when there will be "Justice 4 Linda Lewis."

    I am glad that I support this case and am not one of the guilty trying in vain to cover it up.

    At least I'm not looking over my shoulder and can sleep at night.

    Prison draws ever nearer for the guilty.


    Danielle said...

    It is the duty of any newspaper to challenge authority and investigate for the truth and the common good.

    It is not their job to aid and protect criminals.

    Anonymous said...

    It IS in the public interest that this cover up gets exposed.

    Anonymous said...

    Preventing the public from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organisation. !!!!!!!

    Karen said...

    I have never forgotten the fate of that corrupt incompetent Colin Preece former head of NPT Social Services.

    Pressue got to him when his crimes were exposed by you. He turned to jelly and to protect their cover up he was removed on early retirement.

    In the end he couldn't even remember his name.

    His co conspirators turned on him as a weak link and removed him from office.

    This could well happen to Spencer Feeney who seem to be outliving his usefulness !!!

    A guilty man and a coward to boot.

    An embarrassment is Mr Feeney all round.

    You are Guilty don't forget it.


    Anonymous said...

    They can't hide behind an injunction.

    It's been broken and proven to be illegal.

    Tanya said...

    A whole list of pledges and promises.

    Empty words and rhetoric self opinionated twaddle with zero content.

    Empty guidelines for the benefit of no one.

    Except the guilty who the Evening Post are protecting.

    John said...

    In cases involving children, journalists must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to over-ride the normally paramount interests of the child.

    This is of exceptional Public Interest !

    Anonymous said...

    1 - At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.


    The EP is part of the corrupt wall of silence.


    Maggie said...

    Kevin,for a councillor you are doing a great job, so many of us out here working for justice for Linda.One day government will listen, don't ever give up.


    Anonymous said...

    Having had the privelige of meeting Linda and her family I find it hard to believe 'anyone' could ever doubt that she is anything other than a loving mother and just a really nice person.
    Whereas 'all' the media I have dealt with and tried to report crimes to, that have been committed by Government and all official bodies that are supposed to be protecting our liberties, 'have all assisted the powers that be to cover these crimes up, its not just ridiculous its peverse. there is no such thing as a free press in this country. but what I have come to realise is; as long as it doesnt affect them, the people of this country veer away from the problem hoping that 'their safe' and kidding themselves 'it will all turn out for the best',LOL what a load of puddings. wake up UK and smell the coffee, disaster is knocking on 'your' door. Peter Ammanford

    Jeff said...

    I suppose they have to stay silent. If one of them cracks this whole dirty illegal and immoral act of deliberate persecution against the Lewis family and Na8*ah* Lewis will fall like a house of cards.

    Colin Preece was cracking and was given early retirement and protection from attending court even though he was issued with a subpoena.

    Conveniently away on a cruise paid for by who I wonder?

    This evil consortium like any other evil consortium throughout history will eventully be brought to it's knees and held to account by it's victims.

    I am proud to have been fighhting this case for many years and I will never give in and neither will the thousands of others who have pledged their backing worldwide.

    Rhonda said...

    The sound of silence from all concerned is quite deafening.

    Anonymous said...

    A neighbour of mine saw a poster in a window in Swansea went home and looked up your website.

    She then told me and we have both cancelled our home delivery from our newsagents.

    We will consider buying the paper again if they speak out.

    This really is an appalling and depressing story that needs to be brought to an end.

    Good Luck to you and your supporters.


    Anonymous said...

    The Evening Post concentrates on Macdonalds, Hedges and missing dogs but ignores the corruption, deceit and perjury being commited by so called people in power on it's own doorstep.

    You may call me cynical if you want but Spencer Feeney is either thouroughly dishonest or is being paid by the state to keep quiet.

    No reputable newspaper or editor would ignore this story considering the evidence without a hidden agenda.

    What's going on here ?

    Nathan said...

    By not respoding or posting feeble excuses the likes of Hywel Francis and Spencer Feeney are doing the dirty work of the guilty like Dr Dewi Evans and Julie Reznicek.

    They hope to have one aim.

    To demoralise us , make us despair , give up and go away.

    They are fools.

    Every rebuff makes us stronger, much stronger.

    Some of us have been fighting this case for nearly 13 years and have still not given up.

    If it takes another 13 years well we shall do it.

    Adversity is strength and in it we grow stronger.

    Silence is weakeness and you get weaker.

    Your time gets shorter.

    Tick Tock. Tick Tock

    Anonymous said...

    the paper have ignored replying to you
    Mr Edwards. they should be reported for their silence.

    good luck


    Anonymous said...

    The role of a newspaper is to make news and not suppress it.

    Anonymous said...




    Anonymous said...

    Definitely one big cover up in sheer desperation the Social Services used the Evening Post to carry out the kidnapping of the Child

    Len said...

    It's Crazy for thoose involved,to think they could get away with this crime forever.

    Good work I will keep on watching this space.


    Simon said...

    The paper should be made accountable for printing things that are not true.

    Honest Lawyer said...


    I have studied the evidence on the CD'S that you sent me.

    Legally it is perfectly clear that the South Wales Evening Post and it's Editor Spencer Feeney have acted in a premeditated manner by aiding and abetting in the illegal removal (kidnapping)of a minor from her families care while they were perfectly legally and correctly seeking proper medical advise for her in America.

    Grounds/smokescreen was implemented to make this illegal act look as legal as possible and would probably have remained undetected if good people working within the system had not forwarded the evidence onto Miss Lewis and her family.It is good to know that some people who were unwillingly dragged into this charade had a conscience.

    Your next step is to report the newspaper to the Press Complaints Commission and to the owners of The South Wales Evening Post the Northcliffe Group.

    Be aware that research has shown that Spencer Feeney is actually a Regional Representative on the PCC so it is essential that he has no input.

    Publish all emails that you send and be sure to request that Spencer Feeney is not allowed to participate in this investigation.

    No reply from either the Northcliffe Group or the PCC will confirm their guilt and so will a cover up.

    The evidence is conclusive and the newspaper is in deep,deep doo doo over this and legally has no out at all.

    Such a serious appeal as "Child Missing" MUST give an outcome that is satisfactory one way or the other.

    They did not do this.

    Next step is to take legal action directly against the South Wales Evening Post and Spencer Feeney.

    There is no "Time Limit" on your way forward.

    I will advise you what actions I recommend in due course.

    Take Care All

    Honest Lawyer said...

    This is a classic example of a "wheel conspiracy" or a "chain or ladder conspiracy"?

    So many rotten eggs all in one basket South Wales.

    Studying the evidence last night the " Wheel " wins it.

    Dewi Evans the desperate, guilty culprit.

    Look forward to you putting his letters in the public domain as well as the back stabbing letters by Lyn Naylor.

    Lyn Naylor was supposed to be Linda's Solicitor bought to sell her client down the river.

    Illegal faxes to America to justify Dewi Evans illogical and quite frankly " barking mad " allegations and statement.

    All done behind Linda's back.


    Julie Reznicek and Lyn Naylor are well known on the Swansea " Lesbian Scene. " Without being homophobic which I am not, should they have ever been trusted to be involved in this case ?

    Obviously they have no idea what it is like to have a child of their own.

    It is beyond them.

    They have no shame.

    Anonymous said...

    The Evening Post remains very secretive,there need's to be investigation into this scandle.

    they cannot remain silent forever.


    Anonymous said...

    Murdoch News of the World Paper was shut down for hacking.

    There is double standards going on when the Evening Post is not answering for printing something that was absolutely untrue.

    Anonymous said...

    There is natural bureacratic tendency to "cover up" mistakes.

    This one hell of a deceitful cover up that has to be exposed.


    Anonymous said...

    I"m Shocked that the evening paper would put their selves in this postion.
    when i read the paper now i question everything they print.

    Anonymous said...

    "Tangled is the web we weave when we first try to deceive."

    First try to deceive !They have been deceiving for 13 years.

    They all make me sick.

    Anonymous said...

    Very Sinister

    Karen said...

    The Daily Mail exposed child kidnapping in an article yesterday.

    Good to see that the Northcliffe Group has one decent reporter.

    How many of the other Editorial Staff are behind this cover up in the Evening Post as well as Spencer Feeney.

    There must be a lot of them.

    Has Paul Lewis been silenced again ?

    Intersting.Time will tell.

    Theresa said...

    Press censorship and deceit Robert Mugabe style.

    What an embarrassment this newspaper has turned out to be.

    A Democratic Society my Ar*E.

    Close down the Evening Post hould become an online petition.

    Anonymous said...

    It should be closed down the crime comitted by it's Editor in collusion with others and this includes members of his Editorial team is even worse that the NOW scandal.

    We are talking about a 12 year old girl here that Spencer Feeney allowed to be mentally and physically abused as well a a perfectly normal family subjected to 13 years of absolute hell.

    This man is the prime example of the "scum" that are in authority who use and abuse their positions without conscience.

    I wonder how much he was paid for his part in this conspiracy ?

    Donna said...

    This link was mentioned earlier.

    So why won't they do anything about this ?

    They up to their neck in it.

    I have no respect for the Editor,the journalists or this newspaper any longer.

    It's a disgrace

    Citizen Kane said...

    Very interesting article in the Press Gazette

    Offices of the Bristol Evening Post attacked.

    Interesting comment from Alan Fenwick the publisher who ststes “What is clear from this attack is that we are doing what a city newspaper should do and speaking for 99 per cent of the community."

    Take a lesson from This Spencer Feeney expose what has happened to the Lewis family.

    JANE said...

    the evening post should be made responsible for printing lies. They should be interviewed,and give us all answer's as to why? they were involved.

    Anonymous said...

    Councillor Edwards you are a embarrassment to the system for printing the truth

    Anonymous said...

    So many that it is uncomfortable for ordinary people.

    Please don't buy this paper any more.

    Anonymous said...

    Boycott the Evening Post

    They are more illegal than the NOTW

    Shut it down.

    Anonymous said...

    Unbelievable that such a newspaper could act this way.

    Val said...

    In the evening post this is what they state "About Us"

    Our aim The Evening Post is the largest circulation Welsh Newspaper and seeks to serve the best interests of the people of South Wales.

    Standards We strive to abide by the Code of Conduct of the Press Complaints Commission.

    They have broken their own Code of Conduct ,when they printed a child was missing when she wasn't.

    Who's best interest were the evening Post working's surley wasn't in the Childs best interest.