Officials of Neath Port Talbot Council where they should be in court and on trial.
Today when sitting in Electoral Services awaiting my appointment to submit my nomination papers, by chance the following meeting and conversation took place.
A gentleman who I have never previously seen or met before announced himself at reception.
" Hello I am ?????? and I am here to see Caroline. ( I will not mention her surname but I do know it.)
" Excuse me but are you ????? of ????? says I ?"
" Yes I am."
" I am Kevin Edwards of the BNP and I would like you to know how disgusted I am at the way you have handled the Linda Lewis Case for all these years. You and your fellow Councillors ought to be ashamed of yourselves."
"The Linda Lewis Case ? "
Oh come on "The Child Kidnapping Case that you and your fellow Councillors have been helping Social Services cover up for the last 12 years !"
"Oh yes now I know. Councillor ????? has informed me about this."
"Do you know that over 3000 residents of Neath Port Talbot Council have physically seen the evidence that your Council kidnapped her daughter from America using a false passport. They have also seen letters smuggled from the daughter to her Mother begging to come home. Don't you think that a twelve year old has rights ? It doesn't matter anyway as all the evidence will be released very soon and the whole lot of you will be shown up for what you are ! "
( At this stage he turned red and didn't know where to look . His following statement is amazing by anyones standards ! )
"Yes but what you have to remember is that "Some Councillors are far more Guilty than others."
" Far more guilty than others but nevertheless "Guilty." Wait a minute. I remember now.Didn't you agree to testify in Cardiff Crown Court on Miss Lewis behalf and then pull out at the last minute ? And you are telling me that you know very little about this case !
"I am sorry but I have to go." ( Exit stage right.)
Proof of how Councillors of all political persuasions have banded together to cover up for their own Councils Criminal Actions without a doubt.
If elected a I will throw a "Political Handgrenade " into this abominable Council and the "corrupt and the deadbeats" will be exposed.
Only then will the people of Neath and Port Talbot County Borough Council have a Council that truly represents the people and not themselves.
Good man Kevin. Go for it!
As always to be an MP in Aberafan you have to own a backbone and Mr Francis does not have one, he runs with the wolves!
Kevin what a strong backbone you will do us proud boy bach.
Be careful. The underworld at the Port Talbot Kremlin are probably making threats to the councillor.
Perhaps they will be shot at dawn.
I wonder where David Lewis the whipper of Alltwen fits in to all this.
When he shouts. They jump.
Good God Kevin.
The next thing you will be doing will be driving the " Black Mariah."
How many Social workers can you get in ? Will you come back for the Councillors ?
Take out the Legal Department and the "Grinning Scum " who think they are untouchable.
Arrogant lowlife Bullies.
Don't forget the parasite Hywel Francis knows all about Linda's case and has covered it up !
I hope he has the nerve to knock on my door.
good on you Kevin -would have loved to have been there !The guilty ones - they know who they are - so do you and Linda - wonder if one of them will find his backbone. and be truthful -be an honest man before the truth is known to everyone?
Bois bach, dyna gyfarfod !! bydd gwell iddi nhw edrych allan nawr , mae nhw'n gwbl euog. Diolch Kevin, mae'n braf cael dyn fel ti ar ochr gonestrwydd.
Great going Kev. COUNCILLORS RUNNING FOR ELECTION? RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES THEY SHOULD BE AFTER WHAT THEY'VE DONE. Let just one of them knock my door,they won't get a chance to speak ,because I'll mention Linda's name, to see what they say or do especially those I know to be guilty.
Kevin you are going to break this and other people can sense something is giving way.
"Justice for Linda Lewis."
Kevin, mae y drws ar agor nawr.
Pan fydd un yn syrthio fydda nhw gyd yn dilyn.
gobeitio'n wir, mae'n bryd nawr i chwalu'r euog i bedwar ban byd !!
justice for all parents who have had their children snatched and placed for adoption
Kate thomas and janet leigh evil low life who know nothing or even care about a child,s human rights
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