Private Joe MacDonald (pictured ) and his family wanted a council house but were offered a room in a hostel instead.
Fighting on the hellish battlefields of Iraq, he risked his life for his country every day.
But when Private Joe MacDonald asked his local authority to help find his young family a house, his sacrifice counted for nothing.
He first met with a point-blank refusal, followed by the offer of nothing more than a room in a hostel for himself, his wife and three young children.
The council, which organises the provision of social housing through housing associations, put his case behind the unemployed, single mothers, criminals freed from prison and asylum seekers.
It claimed that because he was leaving the Army he was deliberately making himself homeless.
The bizarre loophole could affect thousands of military personnel when they end their service.
Pte MacDonald, 25, completed a gruelling seven-month tour of duty with the Royal Logistic Corps in southern Iraq in 2006.
He fought gun battles with Iraqi insurgents as he protected Army convoys carrying food, fuel, ammunition and kit to troops in UK bases around the British-held part of the country.
Last year he decided to quit the regiment to spend more time with his family and began searching for accommodation once his final posting in Germany ends this month.
He was born and brought up in Bexley, south-east London, and his parents still live
But he was stunned when the council refused to provide a house for him and his wife Rachael, 21, and children Ellen-May, four, Harry-Joe, 19 months, and baby Maissy-Ann.
Pte MacDonald said officials told him that because he was making himself homeless by voluntarily leaving Army quarters, he was ineligible for any property at all.
Later, they offered the family the hostel room where they would have to share a bathroom, kitchen and living room with other families.
Source http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1263198/Betrayed-Iraq-hero-placed-criminals-queue-home.html#ixzz0k4Gxm4sn
You have my vote.
Dai from Baglan
That is no surprise to me because i donate to the good cause soldiers off the street because they fight for the queen that signed our Great country away to the corrupt E.U. World Order Kevin, you are the the person to stand for right
and wrong in the Aberafan community.
These New Labour tyrants ride with d*ck turpin!
Who do these people think they are?
Child Kidnappers who steal from parents and think nothing about it!
Send them to the tower Kevin
you have a backbone not like these gutless useless councillors standing in Neath Port Talbot
I'm waiting for New Labour to come up with the idea to build our streets narrower and encourage the return of the plague :)
Sadly, a large number of our people, still rely on their daily Rags and other Zionist owned and controlled Media, such as the BBC for their news? and views.
JMHO Allegedly and hopefully wrong
This gallant young lad who risked his life for the benefit of Oil / Gas Barons and capitalists deserves better.
If Brown and Obama want the oil and gas from these countries, get out there and do it yourselves.
Treat our troops with the respect and dignity that they deserve. If this British war hero had gained Iraqi citizenship and returned to his country as an illegal resident, his wife and children would not have been treated the way they have.
I realise it could not be possible for this gallant young man to get Iraqi citizenship.
I am simply putting reality into context.
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