New Labour MP's (Pictured Above) celebrate the fact that not one of them has been jailed over the expenses scandal !
The UK government has become "utterly dysfunctional" and is failing to prepare for spending cuts, the head of the civil servants' union has said.
Jonathan Baume, of First Division Association (FDA), told the Guardian No 10 was seen as a "blockage" because of indecision from the prime minister.
Some ministers had "given up" and civil servants were starting to informally prepare for a Tory government, he said.
A Cabinet Office spokesman told the paper it generally got its role right.
"When Gordon Brown became prime minister, no clear direction ever emerged from him," he said.
He said there was a "government by announcement", with new policies unveiled without a clear indication of how they would be funded at a time when departmental chiefs were looking at how budgets could be cut by 17%.
There was a "sense of malaise at the political level", with some ministers already focusing on what would happen after the election.
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1 comment:
Labour accused of wasting £26bn on failed IT projects, http://www.v3.co.uk/v3/news/2256399/labour-accused-26bn-project
the list is endless, quango's now there's a word for New Labour we have heard of that around the same breathe as New Labour, when will it all end? when our debts are called in probably
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