Sunday 27 April 2014

Is There No Level As to How Low Neath Port Talbot Council Will Not Stoop ?

Ok !

Following on from the excellent work already having been undertaken by David Rees AM in at last getting the truth from Mr David Michael the Head Of Legal Services at Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council who in a letter states " I can confirm that the papers in my possession do not indicate that the County Borough Council applied for Court Orders in the United States of America"Here  which only confirms categorically the fact that Linda's daughter was indeed kidnapped by Julie Rzezniczek and Alison Paisley of Neath Port Talbot Social Services. 

It is now worth pointing out the above document that David Michael entered into court in October 2008 in order to obtain an injunction against Linda Lewis gagging her and others, myself included from publishing details about this crime

Careful scrutiny is not really required as it should be evident to anyone with a smidgen of  common sense to see how this document  is not valid and far more seriously may well be fraudulent !

Starting from the top you will see  where it says " In The ", " Case Number " and " Child Number " no information has been entered. The section has been left blank !

Underneath in the " Order - Recovery of a child " There is no name only the word  "girl"!  

The question has to be asked.

What girl  ? Who's girl ?  Any girl ?

Obviously the name of Linda's daughter should have been entered there but perhaps whoever wrote this document could not recall which surname they were using at that time was it Lewis or was it Edwards as per the false passport ? You decide .

In the section " The Court Authorises " several references are made as to who has the authority to remove the child . What child ? Presumably it's the " Girl " mentioned above.

Shouldn't the child have a name so that those who were authorised to collect this child would know they had the right child or would any child do ?

It is unbelievable that David Michael entered this document into court in order to influence them to grant him an injunction.

But now it gets serious and this is where the big mistake has been made !

The document now states " This order has ( not ) been made ex parte."

If you look at the bottom of the document above you will notice that there is " No Signature " of the Judge involved and the date of the document is the 26th of January 1998.

Linda Lewis, her father and daughter had arrived in America on the 21st of January 1998 quite lawfully and without any restrictions.

Therefore " No Recovery Order " could ever have been made for anywhere in the world by any Judge in the UK at that time as Linda was in America perfectly legally and was not under any order.

This is also confirmed in transcripts obtained from both Lord Justice Sumner KT as well as His Honour T Michael Evans.  

If Judge T Michael Evans HAD issued any recovery order ( which he couldn't have ) then the fact that he KNEW Linda and her family were already in America at that time he would have to have amended the document to read " This order has been made ex parte " as Linda was not in Wales in court at that time.

It really is that simple.

My thanks go to the many people directly helping scrutinise different things on Linda's behalf at the moment especially to a certain individuals response to having seen this document and his reply :-

"That document is complete bollocks! "

Indeed it is but who actually wrote it is the question that needs to be answered ?

Over to you once again Carwyn Jones as in 2008/2009 you might not have been First Minister but you were the Senior Law Officer in Wales.


Anonymous said...


Who in hell wrote out this fabricated piece of nonsense.

Sure weren't the judge.

Maureen said...

Absolutely unbelievable

And these same people expect me to pay Council Tax to them to fund their crimes.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of Criminals Kevin

Anonymous said...

Disgusting the Council should be made accountable.

Anonymous said...

About time the Council involved were made to put the wrongs right.

Anonymous said...

You just can't beleive what NPTC are up to.
Good article again Kev keep exposing

Anonymous said...

You just can't beleive what NPTC are up to.
Good article again Kev keep exposing

Anonymous said...

Lazarus Estates Ltd -v- Beasley; CA 1956

"Lord Denning said: “No Court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage he has obtained by fraud. No judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything."

So is Neath Port Talbot Council the exception ??????????

Are they writing out their own documents to steal children ??????

Are they playing by the rules or are they making them ??????????

Is David Michael a common criminal as you have previously stated ????????


Good work mate


Delyth said...

This local authority has been and still is in deep , deep trouble.

There is absolutely no way that they can come out of this other than smelling of shit.

Corrupt and rotten to the rotten core of the stinking stenching apple.

Brilliant work once again

Jenna said...

Continued congratulations to David Rees for his efforts in showing this crime up for exactly what it is .

A criminal conspiracy.

Long may his god works continue on behalf of all of us who know the truth.

Anonymous said...

In answer to the headline of this article

There is no limit as too how low this gang of charlatans will actually stoop.

This is a kidnapping of a child that the Government in Wales and NPT Council are desperately trying to cover up.

It's like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic for them.

Either way they are sunk

Anonymous said...

Somebody has written this up in a hurry

I wonder who ?

Anonymous said...

I remain anonymous as each year I go before Magistrates who sit below the Crown to say that I do not wish to be a criminal.
If I pay my Council Tax, I am knowingly committing a crime. I remind the Magistrate that should they give me a Liability Order they are also committing a crime.
They are reminded that by making me pay my Council Tax I am directly accessory to aiding and abetting criminals to continue committing crime.
So why do residents of NPCBC wish to be party to this henious crime by funding those involved to carry out such crimes against their own people and in particular children?

Anonymous said...

Surely there is a Police Constable somewhere in NPTCBC that is aware of this crime.
Then, I remind that Police Constable of his oath. To do nothing: that Police Constable becomes part of it.
That Police Constable pays his Council Tax and contributes indirectly towards his own salary and funding crime. A crime that he or she becomes party to.
Therefore, is that Police Constable not claiming money from the Public Purse under false pretences.

Extant said...

When you look at the names of the people involved in these heinous crimes, they always relate to a Tribe that we cannot speak of!!

Pete said...

Just seen on ITV's Good Morning program re Paedophile Max Clifford.

Quote "No One Is Untouchable"

David Michael , Steve Phillips , Julie Reznickek , Carwyn Jones

Take note

This is one of the biggest scandals ever undertaken jointly by the Welsh Government and a Council ever to have happened.

It will not go away in fact it will grow stronger as the corruptors fall apart.

Carwyn Jones on behalf of the Welsh People sort this out and start the arrests .


Pete said...

Just seen on ITV's Good Morning program re Paedophile Max Clifford.

Quote "No One Is Untouchable"

David Michael , Steve Phillips , Julie Reznickek , Carwyn Jones

Take note

This is one of the biggest scandals ever undertaken jointly by the Welsh Government and a Council ever to have happened.

It will not go away in fact it will grow stronger as the corruptors fall apart.

Carwyn Jones on behalf of the Welsh People sort this out and start the arrests .


Mrs S Thomas said...

Let me make this absolutely clear.

What NPTCC have done to Linda and her family has NOT been done in my name.

I will be writing to the Council demanding the removal without delay of David Michael.

I am sure as well from the many people that I have spoken to about this that they will agree that they want no part of it and dis associate themselves from the councils actions.

Anything I can do to help I will.

Anonymous said...

On the subject of the This Morning programme Criminologist Mark Williams Thomas orated a number of phrases in relation to Max Clifford:
1. Wallowing in the misfortune of others.
2. You could believe the lies he was saying.
3. His offending behaviour has gone on for decades.
4. Deceitful life of lies.

Carwyn Jones, David Michael and all those those cohorts that hold your toilet roll.

1 to 4 is apt for you all.
These people that dragged Max from his ivory tower have been listened to.
So we are going to make sure that we are listened to.

Unknown said...

Not too surprising when you consider the character set behind all of this.Sitting pretty in t heir posh new offices bought at the publics expense signing fraudulent documents ASSUMING their way is both legal and probably lawful when in fact they are acting on behalf of a corrupt system ruled over by evil greedy entities.The day is coming when they will pay for their fraudulent actions .

Anonymous said...

It's not the elected Councillors of Neath Portalbot Council.
It is the Social Service department who seem to be above the Law.

Anonymous said...

Someone has got to do something to help enough is enough.
the truth is out for all to see.

Mr Kevin Edwards

Anonymous said...

Linda you are a darling and you and your daughter will be reunited,and those who have abused you and your daughter will be made accountable
Been long time coming but it will love.
Good work Kevin


Anonymous said...

How stupid are these people did they think!they were going to get away with their crimes

Marva said...

i can't wait for this to be over and they are together again.It is hard to believe this has gone on so long.Are these people accountable to no one? I have full faith in Kevin he has been on the case so long and never gives up Wonderful!I pray for justice today.I wish Justice was quicker.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should write to David Cameron.He is responsible for the people of this Country.
I'm sure after losing a Child himself,David would understand the pain the family have gone through.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Rees
What a Mess poor Child

Anonymous said...

When you do harm to someone you will alway's get caught out in the end.
Sad situation

Terry said...

If the facts stated in the article are true then simply issuing a void order should cover it. Then a hefty compensation claim would follow.

But I am sure you know that already Kev.

"The man who says it can't be done should not interrupt the man doing it."

Anonymous said...

Out of this darkness will come a blinding light.

Soon they will all pay.

Anonymous said...

Sadly unbelieveble but true

Anonymous said...

Nobody in their right mind can fail to be horrified by what the establishment has done to Linda.

Anonymous said...

Can't stop shaking my head as to what is happening here I have been aware of this case for a long time.

I look forward to justice

Anonymous said...

I cannot help believing that the behaviour of those involved in the scandal betrays a lack of appreciation of their responsibility
they acted as though they were able to take any action they thought desirable irrespective of the law.

Anonymous said...

The people will never forget this

How many lie detector test machines would need to be installed in Port Talbot so that the cretinous guilty could be tested.

Please can I be the one going to GCG to test the dreadful Gwenda " Hiya " Thomas ?


Anonymous said...

I am 100% behind Linda and her Campaign.

Anonymous said...

I am 100% behind Linda and her Campaign.

Anonymous said...

Carwyn Jones cannot continue to ignore this case he should do his best to meet the challenges which he will undoubtely be faced with.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand why social services were ever involved.


Anonymous said...

I am stunned to realise that we the people are being ruled over by a bunch of sick paedophiles.

Anonymous said...

Not just is it a bogus document but it could never have been used in America .

It's a kidnap alright.

Anonymous said...

Abuse must not escape justice
There is sufficient evidence for a jury to find them guilty.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Linda and her family who have fought for year's When will there be an end to this dreadful case.

You are a Gem Kevin

Anonymous said...


You're doing a really sterling job against heavy odds.

I know that this local authority is rotten to the core. Levels of corruption that would make Mugabe blush!

The Linda Lewis example is just a particularly unsavoury tip of this stinking iceberg.

The problem is that the Police, CPS and areas of the Senedd / WAG are just as corrupt and shielding them.

But ...

Don't give up!

Dulais Valley

Anonymous said...

this looks like a page 80 from a court/evidence bundle - so someone put a forged document in as evidence?

if so there must be a criminal/police investigation?

if it was done behind LL's back then all orders since it was used are void?

Anonymous said...

@2 May 2014 12:59

Everything done by Neath Council and the Welsh Assembly Government is not just void but it is criminal.

Carwyn Jones take note