Following on from the excellent work that has been carried out on Linda's behalf by David Rees AM and the work that has been done by many of you worldwide in your efforts to get " Justice 4 Linda Lewis " dare I say that there must just be" Light At The End Of The Tunnel " ?
After literally thousand of emails, letters and press releases that have been sent to various members of the Welsh Assembly Government over the years (without reply) we finally have a reply that can only be construed as " positive".
Below is part of an email that Linda received on the 4th of February 2014 from Ruth Brankin who works in Carwyn Jones office as a result of further evidence being sent to him and David Rees by Linda on the 3rd of February 2014.
Ruth Brankin (
Dear Linda Suzanne Lewis
This is a standard acknowledgement e mail which confirms that we have received your correspondence to The First Minister dated 03/02/2014.
When we reply to correspondence we aim to do so within 17 working days. In the case of your correspondence this means a target reply date of 27/02/2014
Please note that where correspondence is part of an organised campaign we may only respond to the organiser and not to you direct. Our reference for this correspondence is TO/GT/00098/14
We can now look forward to a reply from Carwyn Jones Office no later than the 27th of February 2014.

Considering that the evidence that has been placed into the Public Domain over the last few years proves without doubt that Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Social Services and the Welsh Assembly Government are guilty of and complicit in the " Kidnapping and Trafficking of a Child " see HERE and that the Former Welsh Assembly Government Inspector of Social Services David Johnston ( pictured above ) deliberately fabricated "false and fraudulent evidence" to influence the Court by saying that Linda was going to kill herself and her daughter in a letter that was seen by a woman who knew nothing about it. See HERE.
Funny that Linda was never questioned about this at the time. Is it not.
It will be very interesting to see what sort of response will come from Carwyn Jones.
Hopefully he will now do the right thing and act in a manner that represents the position that he holds.
This time of year is always a difficult period for Linda and her family and for the many people who have supported her for a long time.
It absolutely beggars belief that on the 18th of February 2014 it will be Sixteen Years since agents of Neath Port Talbot Social Services Julie Rzezniczek and Allison Paisley kidnapped Linda's daughter from her sick children's hospital bed in America just a couple of days after her Twelfth Birthday.
What is even more amazing is that for Sixteen Years Neath Port Talbot Social Services have managed to keep Mother and Daughter apart by convincing the daughter that her mother was going to kill her.
How Wicked and Evil is that ?
Neath Port Talbot Social Services - Suffer The Little Children.
As my previous article HERE states
" Over To You Carwyn Jones."
I pray every day that Linda and her daughter will be together again.I hope these people will be punished for all the pain they have created over the years.It is time for Justice for Linda.
Well the only thing that Carwyn Jones can now do id come clean.
Any attempt at injunction an all that bullshit and he will be laughed out of the Senydd.
The arrests must begin
The evidence provided is the truth and the truth is that a terrible crime has been committed here that needs to see convictions all around.
There can be no other way.
This website gets better every time I visit it.
You are an inspiration to us all.
I really do hope this is it and a real result is coming.
Looking forward to good news soon
Watch with interest
Cannot wait to see what responce you receive from Carwyn Jones,
Good news if Carwyn Jones does the right thing and Launches a full "investigation"
The whole situation is appalling.
Why? have the Guilty been protected for the passed sixteen year's It is so unfair.
I Hope the Welsh Assembly leader Carwyn Jones will do the job he is paid for and investigate.
I would also like to praise you Kevin for fighting for the truth.
DJ Sam
A Mother falsely of so many things by so many criminal representatives in Public Office.
The Liars , Conspirators , Kidnappers ,Trafficker , Social Workers , Council Representatives who have done just ONE thing wrong to protect this lie and abuse of the innocent family MUST be criminally prosecuted.
No other way the eyes of the world are watching.
Thanks for the email update Kev. BRilliant news
Best wishes to Linda and her daughter and to Kevin and his loyal team.
I`m sure everyone is absolutely determined to see that justice is done.
Nevertheless, I am sure that the authorities will still try to continue to obstruct or pervert
the course of justice. Just as in the Hollie Greig case in Scotland,a successful breakthrough will bring down the whole rotten edifice of state-sponsored cruelty and corruption.
Realistically, the only one who knows how it feels to loose your child to such a wicked consortium of cover up is Linda herself!
yes, there is much that people have done to support Linda and her family. So, well done to all those who have supported and have continued to support them.
Chin up Linda, your nearly there.
Now you need political transparency, and i truly hope that AM David Rees and Mr Carwyn Jones does the right thing and Bag all who have made your life hell.
We know what you have faced and we know how much it has torn the very spirit and life from you and the family. we have only been able to be there for you and give comfort and consoling words.
We can never understand why they did what they did. From a rogue wave that did do some damage they turned it to damn tsunami against you and your little girl.
We certainly will never forget what they have done to you.
We want to see these criminals in the Criminal Courts and and receive fully what they deserve.
your neighbor
Yes indeed.
Justice please ( in full ) Carwyn Jones.
The schools that spy on 'Munchausen Mums'
I'm absoulutely delighted for Linda and her Family.
At last First Minister Carwyn Jones as decided to help.
People should be Sacked for "gross
Who are the most Evil those who do the Crime,or those who stand by and do nothing.
Both in my eyes
Good blogg
I alway's thought the role of government was to protect it's people,and the most vunerable in society.
South Wales a hotbed of Socialism.
South Wales a hotbed of corruption.
Same thing.
Their time is coming and justice will be done. I can't wait for the day when I see Linda and her daughter walking down the street. It will happen and the day is coming closer and closer.
I would love to see Gwenda ( HIYA ) Thomas prosecuted as she was the head of children's services in Neath Port Talbot at the time of the kidnapping.
A thoroughly wicked women
Praying that a positive outcome is over the horizon at last.
Reunite Mother and Daughter.
Time and Love will heal all
Waiting with baited breath for the right thing to be done an the truth being fully outed.
God Bless
Good too see that the Great Deception deliberately orchestrated by Neath Port Talbot Council Social Services and the Welsh Assembly Government is now exposed as the criminal callous abuse that it always been.
Well Done Kevin
Are all Councils Corrupt ?
Why is Carwyn Jones waing to reply,he should be replying to Linda immediately.
Got a lot of respect for you Kevin
The Linda Lewis cover up is bigger than Cleveland.
Best Wishes
Cannot wait to see the end of this massive injustice.
Only accept full disclosure and not a compromise from Carwyn Jones.
The Public have a right to know.
Carwyn will be rather busy at the moment.
Issues have arisen in Swansea and South Wales Police which show that it is time for the child protection services there to be disbanded as recommended by Lord Laming.
It seems a memeber of the public warned they were failing but drubbed out by stitch ups in Swansea Family Court. Apparently child protection services have private access to the judges - work that one out when UK is supposed to have an independent judiciary ie not like in Russia China Zimbabwe etc etc???
same probably happened in this case I seem to recall the head of legal was able to put papers/affidavits before the judges without passing to Linda?
Robert Green arrested
The establishment is getting very worried indeed
Light at the end of the tunnel is correct.
The darkness is over
It is all taking shape.
Carwyns Mafia can no longer silence or suppress the evidence.
It is overwhelming as regarding a very serious crime against an innocent mother.
I can just imagine the hue and cry that will ensue if this is another attempted cover up/stitch up by the WAG and the demented in Neath Port Talbot Council.
Remember Carwyn was our Senior Law Official in 2009 when Seys Llewellyn covered up everything and broke every law in the book !
Interesting times ahead.
No surrender
The game well and truly up.
All of these perverted lying fiends should be exposed as soon as possible,
Watching with interest.
Champagne in the fridge.
Ready to pop when the good news comes in.
Well Done
Looks like the Lodge in Dinas Powis will have to stand down their attack on an innocent mother and a child abused by the state.
And all this has been covered up by the courts,local councillors,doctors,assembly members and the police.
What sort of people are they ?
Over to you Carwyn.
What type of person are you ?
Are these people above the Law ?
We will find out soon.
Keep going my friend
It appears that every day justice and victory for Linda,her daughter and her family is getting closer.
Keep going Kevin
What they have all done to Linda is "EVIL" beyond belief.
Lets hope those involved get punished soon.
The truth always outs
About time Linda had a positive" response,from Carwyn Jones.
Shirley Jones
Certainly the Welsh First Minister should have replied straight away knowing there has been serious Crimes committed.
One has got to admire your courage and commitment to the Justice for Linda Lewis Case.
Thinking of Linda today it's Linda's daughter birthday.
hopefully they will be reunited soon!
Happy Birthday N.
You need to know that if it wasn't for your Mum and family you would be dead if they had got their way.
You are loved by everyone and welcomed back at any time.
At no time ever did your Mum try to kill you.
We all love you
The dam holding back the truth about all of this criminality is now beginning to crack.
More and more people are starting to wake up to the realities of what is being done to them and their children by sick inhumane creatures such as Julie Rzezniczek.
Child stealing and abuse by Social Workers will soon be a thing of the past
We must put a stop to the SS harvesting children from good families. The harm it does to the child is as bad as any other forms of abuse. The SS enjoy the power and the doctors are using the child protection system to cover up their mistakes. Good luck in exposing this.
Carwyn Jones do the right thing give justice to Linda
Individuals involved will be made accountable for the evil they have inflicted on Child and family
Fabulous that everything is now falling into place.
This case has always been too big to be hidden and heads will roll and those alive will also have to face the music.
I look forward too the right thing being done.
I've been with the Family from the beginning and i cannot beleive the crimminal acts they have done all hidden by a injunction preventing people speaking out.
Well done for not being a coward and for speaking out for Linda , the family and everyone.
Only the truth made public and criminal arrests will suffice from now on.
Carwyn Jones please take note.
Well done to David Rees also
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