The following email has been sent to all 22 Local Authority Councils in Wales under the Freedom of Information Act.
To Who it may concern
I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information under the FOIA.
How many state schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary) within your County Council area currently serve Halal alongside non-Halal meat in meals consumed by pupils?
How many state schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary) within your County Council area currently serve only Halal meat in meals consumed by pupils?
How many state schools (Nursery Primary and Secondary) within your County Council area currently serve no Halal at all in meals consumed by pupils?
Where Halal is served are both the pupils and their parents aware of the type of meat that they are consuming and is it correctly labelled as such?
I look forward to receiving your reply within the statutory 20 working days.
Yours Sincerely,
Councillor Kevin Edwards
Their replies ( if there are any ) could be interesting.
..Bet you do not hear anything or they lie
I doubt if any local authority will release this information.
This could be dynamite.
Imagine the reaction of parents,unknowing parents whos kids are being fed Halal without their knowledge or consent.
Let's not also forget that the rise in Halal Slaughterhouses also makes the cost of Halal meat cheaper for Councils to buy. An attractive proposition.
Thats why I think you might well be "lied to or stonewalled" on this subject Councillor.
They don't want the truth coming out.
Thats why they fear the BNP.
So why are you against Halal meat Kevin? Because it's arguably cruel? Because you don't seem concerned with animal cruelty on the whole if I'm honest, and animal cruelty doesn't seem like an issue the BNP are concerned about.
Or is it more because you're a biggot who hates muslims and will do anything to oppress their ways?
Personally I am against halal for the former reason. You, on the other hand, seem to be leaning more towards the latter.
If you get no reply it's because you are an absolute idiot propigating lies on a group of people, riding the on the back of the troublesome minority of those people.
Thank you for taking your time to visit my website.
Your points have been noted and dismissed with a Giggle.
No answer to my question then? Just going to allow your clear ignorance to shine through?
Don't giggle at me Kevin, you're the one standing for a party of racists who can only muster the support of football hooligans, or those who are grossly misinformed about immigration, and islam.
You and your party are a joke. Try making arrogant comments when one of your lads gets a seat in parliment, eh?
It is obvious to me Kevin that judging by his anti-BNP rants the only "Bigot" here is the so called J Green.
What an idiot.
What a Fool.
Well done Councillor keep it up.
Dai Gnoll
Typical lefty anti-BNP rant by J Green if that is their real name.
Well ignored Kev.
"If you can't make your point without being offensive, you don't have a point" Mr Green.
Keep up the good work Kevin!
Nathan, Llanelli
Keep up the good work Kevin..Ignore the Fascist left.
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