In my opinion it proves exactly how little regard members of the Welsh Assembly Government have towards their own indigenous people who are suffering unparalleled hardship, job losses,home repossessions and levels of child poverty.
The Welsh Assembly Government is more interested in Pakistan than Port Talbot and Somalia rather than Swansea.
Welsh Assembly Government Partnership Protocol with the Muslim Council for Wales
The Welsh Assembly Government and the Muslim Council of Wales will work together in support of social justice, inclusion, fairness and greater community cohesion across Wales..
The Welsh Assembly Government and the Muslim Council of Wales make this joint commitment to work together on issues of common concern in the belief that together in partnership we will be able to achieve success on those common objectives we share..
The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity for all and the elimination of all forms of unlawful harassment, prejudice and discrimination..
The Muslim Council of Wales is an independent, inclusive umbrella organisation that represents the interests of Muslims in Wales.
It aims to benefit members of the Muslim community in Wales and promote a greater understanding of that community within society as a whole, whilst working towards the common good of all. It seeks the eradication of disadvantage and discrimination and the betterment of community relations..
Our two organisations respect our diversity and recognise that everyone in Wales has the right to hold their own values and beliefs but we share the view that they must do so in a way that respects others’ rights, values and beliefs and does not impose their beliefs or lifestyle on others..
The shared belief of the Muslim Council for Wales and the Welsh Assembly
Government in justice, equality and opposition to prejudice is matched by our shared belief that these objectives can be better achieved in the workplace by a framework of legislation that provides for fairness, justice and equal rights and responsibilities for all citizens of Wales..
Through this partnership protocol the Welsh Assembly Government and the Muslim Council of Wales commit to work jointly and with other partnership organisations for the common good of communities in Wales..
The Muslim Council of Wales agrees to provide WAG with help, assistance, guidance and views of the Muslim communities in Wales..
The Welsh Assembly Government aim is to promote a dialogue with the Muslim Council for Wales, to help ensure that the Welsh Assembly Government policies, projects and initiatives are disseminated as widely as possible, enabling and supporting understanding in grassroots Muslim communities and organizations, and that the Muslim communities feel empowered to share their views and issues with the Welsh Assembly Government.
Source www.muslimcouncilwales.org/MCW%20WAG%20Partnership.pdf.
Muslim Council of Wales Objectives
To promote an accurate image of Islam and Muslims in Wales.
We believe misrepresentations of Islam are most often the result of ignorance on the part of non-Muslims and reluctance on the part of Muslims to articulate their case..
To encourage and strengthen all existing efforts being made for the benefit of the Muslim community..
To work for a more enlightened appreciation of Islam and Muslims in the wider society..
To establish a position for the Muslim community within British society that is fair and based on due rights..
To work for the eradication of disadvantages and forms of discrimination faced by Muslims..
To foster better community relations and work for the good of society as a whole..
To continue to voice and struggle for the community within Wales..
To broaden the socio-economic integration with the indigenous society and the Muslim Community within Wales..
To continue to voice and struggle for the rights and responsibilities of the Muslim Community within Wales..
To present dedicatedly, an Islamic perspective on issues of importance to the Welsh public. In offering that perspective, we seek to empower the Muslim community in Wales through political and social activism through the following methods.
Is it no wonder that when our "Islamic Colonisers" approach the rotten establishment Labour,Plaid, Con-Dem treacherous politicians looking for funds to establish "Alien" practises such as Halal Slaughterhouses and many more on our own soil that they are granted the funds without protest or too much thought about the consequences of the impact on that area.
This has to stop and there is only one way to stop it.
Join and vote for the British National Party.
Your voice. Your "Welsh Council of Wales."
Bureaucratic Terrorists of the Welsh Assembly using words like "equality", you must be joking. Can someone explain to these leeching warlords in that ivory tower on Cardiff's seafront the meaning of "equality"!
Where is their "equality" when it comes to Maurice Kirk, Linda Lewis, Peter Bellett and other victims of taxpayer financed terrorism.
They are selling us out day by day to the colonisers.
They are non patriotic and have no shame.
Get rid of them Kevin.
These two documents are not about Partnership and Objectives they are Blueprints for the Islamic Occupation of Wales.
"There are none so blind as those that will not see."
Wake up Wales before it's too late.
Great article
Well said keep it going Kevin
Great article and well researched Kevin.
We in Wales need to wake up in a hurry.
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