Thursday, 23 May 2013

You Just Couldn't Make This Up.

Having left Neath Port Talbot In January 2012 as Head Of Childrens Services with an alleged £200,000 payout for her silence it looks like her venture as a Director of her own self employed child snatching business only lasted five months.

Acording to her own Linkedin profile that can be viewed here Juie Rzezniczek has now been appointed  Head of Improvement, Peoples Services at Herefordshire Council.

Also under the titles of Safeguarding Childrens Board  - improving our child protection arrangements the following article can be viewed on Herefordshire Councils official website here.

Coming to Herefordshire in May...


One of the big changes to affect all professionals working with children and young people takes place this May when Herefordshire agencies come together to open a MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub).

The MASH will bring together the council's Children's Social Care, Police, Health, Education and Women's Aid in one office so that they can share information and work together on all safeguarding concerns. Once up and running, it will be the first point of contact for all referrals. It will also provide advice and support to professionals working with children and young people.

For more information contact Julie Rzezniczek, Head of Improvement on (01432) 260801.

I really don't think I should say anymore as anyone aware of the history of Julie Rzezniczek will be as gobsmacked as I am over this.

What do you think ? Leave a comment below.

When we have enough comments I will consider sending this article and the UK Column Live videos to the relevant people in Herefordshire Council for their comments.

Hat Tip to the " Jail Julie Rzezniczek Group " for the link.


Emma said...

You're right.

You just couldn't make it up.

£200,000 when it should be 20 years in jail.

The net is tightening.

Good Work

Anonymous said...

It just goes to prove that there are no compassionate human beings left in SS.

Just creatures like J Rzezniczek psychopaths of no humanity.

I reckon that Herefordshire Council employed her BECAUSE of her callous,satanic and wicked past.

Proving the calibre of the lowlifes who are in authority.

Larry K said...

After what I emailed you today Kev, I would believe anything!


Sophie Mason Case

Anonymous said...

I wonder whether former Carmarthenshire SS Chief Jake Morgan that gave her Fforestfach business a reference has followed her.

Anonymous said...

You are correct this is unbelievable.

This woman must be one of the most evil despots ever to have come out of Wales.

God help the children of Herefordshire.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if maybe her under manager or director is the ex boss of Haringey Children's Services?

it is a merry go round or circus in the public sector one bad egg truns up working elsewhere.

and in the end a big payoff and good reference?

Anonymous said...

Any normal thinking human being will be appalled at what has happened here and how this woman has been allowed to carry on for so long in positions of authority is frightening.

This needs to be stopped.


Anonymous said...

Julie Rzezniczek

The worst thing you can do to ANYONE is to perpetrate a crime and then point the finger at the innocent.

YOU should be dragged through the streets and lynched.

You are a MONSTER, a PSYCHOPATH, a piece of filth so low there is NO NAME FOR IT.

You are FAR below the heroin addicted bag lady on the corner, while you sit on your high horse sucking the public tit and hiding behind the cover of the Welsh Assembly Government another criminal organisation that will be exposed for the scum that they are like you.

Remember this you cannot hide forever and your time is getting shorter by the day.

Marc said...

Julie Rzezniczek should be on trial for kidnpping .

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the Lewis Family have the support of Brian Gerrish and yourself.I watched the youtube video three time's,Neath Port Council must be very scared people.keep up the good work you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Juie Rzezniczek should not be working with children

Anonymous said...

Juie Rzezniczek should not be working with children

Jane said...

Magnificent work you are doing,by helping Linda.

Friend of Linda