Saturday 14 April 2012


For a lengthy period of time the Lewis Family have been subjected to continual late night anonymous phone calls ( The caller has withheld their number ) where when answered the phone at the other end has been put down.

This has been as you can imagine very distressing to the family and has resulted in the phone being removed from it's socket on many occasions.

We have been waiting for the mistake to be made and now it has been.

We have the woman's number from where the calls were made and we know where she lives.

We have a confession from this woman duly witnessed with an independent affidavit which reveals the true identity of the "nuisance caller." 

The identity of the caller who has been cowardly using her "  drinking partners " phone is very well known to the Lewis family and is loathed by them all and by those of us that know of her part in aiding the kidnapping and abuse of N@t@s*@ purely for her own selfish financial gain.

She is not part of Social Services although she gleefully collaborated with them and is known to us as " Judas."

A totally wicked and evil creature.

Once again we know where she lives and we know where she works.

The wheels have been set in motion and are now turning.

A complete article naming this traitorous individual and her  part in the kidnapping and abuse of N@t@s*@ Lewis will be published in due course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work pleased to hear this!