Full Story Can Be Read Here
Friday, 22 February 2013
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Now They Want to Tax Jewellery: New Lib Dem Wealth Plan to Target All Assets Including Buy To Let Homes.
Families will be forced to pay tax on jewellery and other heirlooms under controversial new plans drawn up by the Liberal Democrats.
Under the scheme, tax inspectors would get unprecedented new powers to go into homes and value rings, necklaces, paintings, furniture and other family treasures.
Householders would be forced to pay a new ‘wealth’ levy on the assets – with the threat of fines for those who refused to let snoops value their possessions.'
Source HERE
Wake Up People.
95% Of Crime Is Being Committed By Your Own Government.
Our Politicians Are Common Criminals.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
House Of Thieves Opens " Mental Health Clinic " For Members Of Parliament.
Rising cases of mental
problems among the British MPs has forced the parliament to set up a
mental health clinic for the lawmakers inside the parliamentary
The £25,000-a-year plan has been approved following revelations that
a rising number of MPs are seeing doctors over anxiety and depression.
This comes as the law previously ruled that any MP or top executive in a company who is under treatment for mental difficulties for over six months will automatically lose his job.
Now based on the newly-endorsed Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill, the Commons Member Estimate Committee, which is in charge of MPs’ working conditions, will fund the treatment of lawmakers with mental problems.
Meanwhile, a consultant psychiatrist will be present in the Parliamentary premises to help MPs with mental problems diagnose their condition and refer to hospitals for inpatient treatment if necessary.
Source HERE
This just proves what the educated amongst us have known for a long time that " We are being Governed by lunatics."
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Neath Port Talbot's 'Oliver Twist' children's social services criticised for asking for more.
CHILDREN'S social services in Neath and Port Talbot have been compared to Oliver Twist because of the way bosses keep coming back to ask for more.
They have gone over their staff costs budget by £450,000 despite being given an extra £1.3 million this year — leading to accusations they have created an impression of rewarding financial
Most of the overspend is down to the authority failing to recruit
Officers argue the expense is justified because Neath Port Talbot has the highest proportion of looked-after children in the UK, and they could not turn away vulnerable or at-risk youngsters.
However, members of the children, young people and education cabinet board voiced concern after being told the overall financial pressures on children's services now exceeded £1.2 million.
Councillor Rob Jones said: "When I started reading this (officers' report), I thought I was reading Charles Dickens.
"I thought it was Oliver Twist. You've been given £1.3 million and you're coming back to ask for more.
"There is no more. When you look at the figures, the bowl is empty. You're asking to come back and lick the bowl and eat the crumbs, and taking money
Head of children's services Andrew Jarrett said the council was in a very difficult and unprecedented situation with children's services.
"We cannot turn away children who are vulnerable and at risk. We still have to bring them into a safe place, and that will cost money," he said.
"My job is to ensure that, going forward, we are planning for the proper and robust management of finances
Mr Jarrett said there were around 490 looked-after children in Neath Port Talbot, the highest rate
He said: "I'm working to get that down, but we need to do that in a safe and measured way. I'm not going to be able to do that overnight."
Mr Jones responded: "Nobody would want to turn a child away or put a child in danger. We have a statutory duty.
"What it appears is that we are rewarding financial mismanagement. I'm not making any accusations of wrongdoing, but it sends out the wrong message to other departments that are struggling to balance their books.
"They ask why children's services are allowed to get away with such a vast overspend. It is the wrong message, and I think one of the things this council needs to look at is financial management with children's services."
Mr Jarrett said the department was not raiding the reserves of other departments or schools. "A lot of this money is coming from central reserves, and we will have to pay that back," he added.
Source Here
What the corrupt and disgusting South Wales Evening Post will never tell you is this.
Remember without the willing help of the South Wales Evening Post the Linda Lewis cover up and the abuse of her 13 year old daughter could never have happened. See here
The " Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign " does not sleep 1.5 million people are now aware of what Neath Port Talbot Social Services have done thanks to a recent interview that I did on a US radio station.
The Mason Case which is being fought justly and vigorously by good people will not go away. This case is evil and will be exposed whether another illegal injunction is applied for or not.
My thanks to the Social Workers who are now willingly passing on information a to what REALLY IS HAPPENING in Social Services.
A Neath Port Talbot Social Worker is currently under internal investigation and has been taken off another case which defies all reason.
Replacing this person is a sicko and satanist who is desperately trying to avoid any further investigation into the original crime committed. They will fail.
No Social Worker in their right mind will work for Neath Port Talbot Social Services.It is out of control.
It is a " Poisoned Chalice ."
Slowly but surely legal action is being planned by many that will bring this corrupt authority and the guilty perverted judges that allow all this to happen to it's knees.
The Truth Will Always Out.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Agenda 21 Exposed
A politician who comes out and tells what really is going on.
This is one smart, brave lady to speak out.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Satans Secret Agents : The Frankfurt School And Its Evil Agenda
This article needs to read in full as it is a lengthy article but well worth the time.
I have highlighted a few things instigated by this school that are happening today proving that our Government is only a puppet regime in the pay of advocates of pure evil.
To further the advance of their “quiet” cultural revolution, the Frankfurt School made the following twelve recommendations — all of them calculated to undermine the foundations of society and create the dystopia we now see all around us:
1. The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws.
2. Continual change to create confusion (e,g., in school curricula).
3. Masturbation propaganda in schools, combined with the homosexualization of children and their corruption by exposing them to child porn in the classroom.
4. The systematic undermining of parental and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy national identity and foment future race wars.
6. The systematic promotion of excessive drinking and recreational drugs.
7. The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime.
9. Dependency on state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media. (Six Jewish companies now control 96 percent of the world’s media. LD).
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
12. All all-out attack on Christianity and the emptying of churches.
To read the full article click HERE
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