Even as the MSM carry on their campaign of smears against and lies about the British National Party, you my fellow nationalists will be very happy to hear that seven national newspapers suffered a double-digit drop in circulation in October with quality titles faring badly, as the entire national market recorded a year-on-year fall.
The Times recorded the largest year-on-year decline as it dropped 16.21 per cent last month to an average daily circulation of 479,107, according to figures released by the Audit Bureau of Circulations.
The News International daily was joined by five other quality titles in suffering a double-digit circulation fall, these were: The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph and The Sunday Times.
The Daily Star saw its average daily circulation dip below 800,000 in October – a year-on-year drop of 5.15 per cent and a month-on-month decline of 8.19 per cent – after Richard Desmond brought to an end is almost two-year run of offering the paper at a discounted rate, often as low as 10p.
During October the Daily Star sold an average of 197,726 copies each day at 30p in the UK – however, a daily average of 411,853 were sold in the UK below cover price.
National newspaper print circulations for October 2010 (source ABC)
(Figures are: average daily sale and percentage change year on year)
* Daily Mirror 1,215,081 -6.24
* Daily Record 320,736 -5.45
* Daily Star 793,487 -5.15
* The Sun 2,904,180 -4.04
* Daily Express 642,695 -7.92
* Daily Mail 2,129,328 -1.29
* The Daily Telegraph 655,006 -14.70
* Financial Times 401,898 -2.65
* The Herald 52,861 -6.22
* The Guardian 276,428 -11.37
* The Independent 182,412 -2.48
* The Scotsman 42,855 -7.03
* The Times 479,107 -16.21
National Sunday Newspapers
* Daily Star Sunday 347,642 -4.67
* News of the World 2,812,005 -8.24
* Sunday Mirror 1,133,256 -6.11
* The People 508,496 -7.91
* Sunday Express 551,159 -10.24
* The Mail on Sunday 2,037,232 -3.73
* Independent on Sunday 154,367 -1.55
* The Observer 313,466 -14.57
* The Sunday Telegraph 506,391 -13.95
* The Sunday Times 1,058,333 -11.25
More and more people are coming to understand the MSM and are fed up to the back teeth with the lies, spin and black propaganda that newspapers are giving to them, and they are voting with their pockets.
After all why pay a fair bit of money to read trash when you can find quality, unbiased reporting and information from the internet for free?
Let’s hope this decline continues until most of those well-paid and spoilt journalists lose their job and pay the price for their arrogance and the contempt they have for ordinary people.
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