Thursday 3 February 2011

Growing up politically

The following is taken from the excellent
"Pretending that merely by distributing leaflets and organizing meetings we can go forward politically is basically living in cuckooland.
Without knowledge and proper organization we can climb a few steps only to fall down even lower.
We can shout, criticize and repeat ready made sentences endlessly but people very soon get tired of tirades and stop listening.
Our image as an organization says a lot about what we have to offer.
Chaotic management and infighting, changes that cannot be explained rationally, undelivered promises, plans for improvement that never come to fruition are not vote winners.
We need to win back our own people before even thinking of grandiose plans for expansion.
My own weaknesses are my worst enemy and this can also be applied to any organization because organizations are made up of people.
We need clarity of thought, determination, patience and the acceptance of the fact that when you get involved in politics you cannot have a private life.
The best way of destroying a politician is to put his or her private life on show.
We can talk about Jeffrey Archer, Alan Johnson, Tommy Sheridan and many others affected by their own mistakes or mistakes made by others related to their private lives.
Some have written that ’you cannot be whiter than white’. I beg to disagree.
We have to be whiter than white.
A history of indiscretions is a certain recipe for disaster. Private weaknesses are party political weaknesses.
From the start, we need to ask hard questions.
Causing offense now is better than having to regret later.
As the expression says: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of it."
I loved this article when I read it especially this absolutely critical point.
"A history of indiscretions is a certain recipe for disaster. Private weaknesses are party political weaknesses."
Unfortunately some people will never learn and continue to " tar us all with the same brush. "


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately some people will never learn and continue to " tar us all with the same brush. "

Spot on Kevin

Sadly we there are still too many bad apples in the BNP barrel.

Anonymous said...

Yes we do have a few undesirables that need "booting out."

Let's hope that happens.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the BNP continues to allow the wrong people into positions of authority within it's rank and file ?

When something is flawed it is flawed and is not saleable.

We are an original article, an original product unique in the concept of British Politics.

And yet we are still in the 70's, we are still NF to many people.

Thugs are us as they say. Rascists et all.

Surely now we have to evolve and move on. We thought we had but we haven't.

What a bad job we have made of it.

But you would only say that if you were honest.


Ex member

Anonymous said...

We are entering a crucial time in the development and future of the BNP.

Having liabilities knowingly hanging around is commiting political suicide.

Let's clear the decks of the vote losers.

Anonymous said...

nobody gives a toss about paedos unless the paedo darkens their very own doorstep and i mean very own front doorstep. i would have thought the recent oldham by-election would have showed that. the operation ore cover-up showed it too.

you are going to get your arse kicked at the may elections campaigning on such an issue. Edward heath was at it and far more but does anyone care? google linda lewis. I had never heard of her until i read your resignation statement. she's a singer too it seems, i didn't know that either.

Nobody out there cares about linda lewis the child victim kevin. if they did, they would have been out on the streets wouldn't they? try knocking on a few doors and telling them about linda and see if they care or give a damn to vote for you. you should have studied stalin in reverse as in 'a million deaths is a tragedy, one death isn't even a statistic unless you are black and your name is lawrence.

Anonymous said...

Single issues like "Justice 4 Linda Lewis Campaign" do not resonate with, and are not a big issue with the brainwashed electorate imho. Incidentally, I find the much overused substitute '4' for 'for' in titles to be now somewhat irksome as it diminishes the titles to that of a rushed text message.

Quote: If Nick had done this, then an "illegal and draconian lifelong injunction" held against Linda Lewis preventing her releasing the evidence that she has proving Child Kidnapping, Medical Abuse, Conspiracy by Doctors, Welsh Assembly Members and Members of Parliament could be released into the public domain bringing down the whole corrupt and rotten family court system.

The injunction may be draconian but it is definitely not illegal.
Illegal means "against or not authorised by law." Unlawful means "contrary to, prohibited, or unauthorised by law...while necessarily not implying the element of criminality, it is broad enough to include it." (Black's Law Dictionary)

Unlawful therefore possibly, but such unlawful Common Purpose decisions are being taken every single day by our politicised (family) courts and the CPS at the behest of their corrupt and morally bankrupt establishment masters, such is now the serious merging and overlap (almost one and the same) between the legislature and the judiciary brought about by Common Purpose.

Linda Lewis, like the slain children and their teacher of Dunblane, is a victim (living thankfully and now with a daughter of her own) of an establishment that is infested with paedophiles and all manner of sexual deviants and criminals. Their 'law' is for us and definitely not for them. That they are prepared (as your link explains and of which I was already aware) to use the Mental Health Act to Section perfectly normal loving parents to achieve child 'care' (abuse?) quotas, shows the utter evil we are up against.

I fear nothing will change until real nationalists have real power and your campaign (title) could well be described as putting the cart before the horse. We cannot achieve power with these tragic issues which the public at large seem to want to avoid discussing or not wanting to even know about. I have sent emails and correspondence to people regarding what I believe really happened at Dunblane and how the known paedophile Thomas Hamilton was granted a gun licence after government ministerial intervention and how he procured children for the paedophile establishment elite. More often than not they don't want to know for whatever reason.

The controlled media, as with everything else, are totally complicit (via Common Purpose) in the covering up and suppressing of these stories. I also fear that BNP supporters will not support you in significant numbers for effectively deserting them and the LibLabCon and Plaid/UKIP/Greens will still not turn to you for being ex BNP. Divide and conquer comes to mind and how to lose an electoral race before it has even started. Good luck anyway. We're all nationalists at heart and trying to save our nation whatever our differences.

Kevin Edwards said...

Anonomous above.

No injunction can be taken out to cover up for criminal acts.

That is what has happened here.



Anonymous said...

'No injunction can be taken out to cover up for criminal acts.'

Yes thay can and unfortunately, that is exactly what has happened and will continue to happen as long as the present corrupt political and compromised judicial regimes remain in place. If the 'establishment' feels threatened in any way, then it will simply instruct the courts to effectively ignore the law (in the dubious interests of ‘national - establishment - security’) and impose an unlawful (but legally binding) injunction.

These 'unlawful' injunctions have draconian 'legal' backing and enforcement. They are there solely to protect the guilty and until the regime is changed, they will usually remain in force. We are not talking 'justice' here anymore which has been a casualty for quite some time. To ignore such injunctions (by Linda speaking out in this case or via a Third Party) would invite the full force of that corrupted legal system to both jail her/them or dispossess her/them of assets (home) by means of a punitive fine. It is impossible to try to seek justice for Linda while the same unjust political and judicial regimes remain in situ. That's the point I was trying to make.

Re: Some have written that ’you cannot be whiter than white’. I beg to disagree.
We have to be whiter than white.

Saints and politics is an oxymoron but we need the right kind of sinner (most of us) and not the out and out criminal and murderous and thieving LibLabCon bunch we have at present. To steal a line from a movie: when politicians aren't kissing babies they're stealing their sweets from them while no one is looking. Only God is capable of being whiter than white.