When I pointed out that immigrants and asylum seekers are put to the front of the queue when allocating council houses and flats, i was accused of telling lies and scare mongering in order to incite racial hatred and cause division amongst the ‘communities’, even though the facts are evident to anybody on the waiting list for council accommodation.
The three main party’ have long denied that discrimination against native Britons exists but, as all we nationalists know, and the truth will not be denied, they can’t run away from the truth forever.
In fact the Daily Star has finally admitted we were right all along, although of course they will not give us credit for it.
Source www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/160265/Immigrants-blag-one-out-of-eight-council-houses-/
More than one in eight of all council houses for young adults are now occupied by foreigners.
A Government report showed people born abroad take up 12.6% of properties that have 16 to 40-year-olds living in them.
For all age groups, immigrants live in one in 12 of all “social houses”, affordable rented homes provided by councils or housing associations.
The figures have been released a month after we reported the problems that Brit squaddies returning from Afghanistan have getting a roof over their families’ heads.
And asylum seekers living in million-pound properties have sparked fury across the country.
In 2008, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, along with the Local Government Association, issued a report claiming just 2% of social housing was taken up by foreigners who had arrived in the UK within the past five years. A blatant lie !
However, yesterday’s report, the 2008-09 English Housing Survey from the Department Of Communities And Local Government, proves those figures were wrong, campaigners Migrationwatch UK said last night.
The group’s chairman, Sir Andrew Green, said: “This finally destroys the myth that less than 2% of council and housing association tenants are recent immigrants.”
The issue of foreigners taking up places on council house waiting lists is grossly unfair.
Earlier this year we revealed Somali Abdi Nur, 42, and his seven children had been handed the keys to a £2.1million house in west London.
And single mum-of-seven Toorpakai Saeidi, from Afghanistan, costs the state £12,458 a month in housing benefit for her £1.2m home, also in west London.
In August we told how thousands of East Europeans are jumping council house queues after arriving here. Last year 4,000 local authority homes were given to people from abroad.
Speaking at the time, Housing Minister Grant Shapps said: “It causes a great deal of concern and is problematic for social cohesion when people who have lived in an area for a long time aren’t given preference.”
Meanwhile, hero squaddie Craig Barker, 26, complained he was turned down for a council house because he had “moved away” from his home town Bracknell, Berks, to go to war.
L/Cpl Barker told us: “The council has let us down from the start.”
After the report, Daily Star readers voted in their thousands, with 98% saying Our Boys should be at the top of the list for council houses.
The lack of council housing has been moved to the top of the agenda since Prime Minister David Cameron suggested ending the right to council houses for life. There are 1.8m people waiting for a council house, with the average wait now six years.
As usual the Daily Star distorts the truth.
There is no such thing as a lack of council housing.
Even though thousands of council houses have been sold off under Maggies right-to-buy’ policy, it would still be possible to hugely reduce the number of people on the waiting list.
The first thing for councils to do is give priority to long term residents in order to prevent newly arrived foreigners jumping to the front of the queue.
Then government should prevent immigrants and asylum seekers getting council accommodation because they made themselves deliberately homeless by leaving their own country (our indigenous are denied it for the same reason) , and I don’t see why British taxpayers should pay for them.
Finally, councils should crack down on sub-letting, ‘asylum seekers’ renting out the homes they live in, but are paid for by our taxes. Meanwhile the rents they gather are sent by wire transfer to family and friends in godforsaken countries to buy passage to the UK and continue the chain.
Any chance of all of the above happening?
Certainly explains why my 23 year old son is still at home.
A minimum wage job if he is lucky to keep it, no hope of buying or renting privately and yet Port Talbot seems to be filling up every week with new arrival Immigrants.
No right is it.
Kevin, you're trying argue government figures against the daily star; you could atleast try and use more reputable news sources instead of a trashy, right wing rag. I'll tell you what, re-write this article and use something without tits on it to provide facts and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt?
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